Alison Stone interview with Susan Sleeman
June 16, 2013
A. Thanks for having me on your blog, Susan. I live in Western New York with my four school-age children and my husband of twenty years. Before “retiring” to raise my family, I worked as an engineer in various industries. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. After the birth of my oldest son, I saw an advertisement in a women’s magazine about writing children’s books. It sparked an idea. Maybe I should write a children’s book. Well, I never had much luck at writing children’s stories, but I did sell articles to local publications and eventually found my voice writing romantic suspense. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. I was intimidated by the idea of writing a novel. For years, I wrote short stories and articles. I couldn’t wrap my head around the concept of writing a full-length novel. Thinking back, the turning point probably came when I joined RWA. With the support of fellow writers, I finally wrote an entire book. In 2006, I attended the RWA conference in Atlanta (home of my alma mater, Georgia Tech!). I pitched my current manuscript to Karen Solem at Spencerhill Associates. A couple months later, I signed with Jenn Schober at Spencerhill. She stuck with me until I finally got “The Call” in June 2011. Yes, it took a long time to sell. For some reason, I was compelled to keep writing even after so many rejections. Seven years later, I’m still happily with Spencerhill Associates…and a published author!
PLAIN PURSUIT is my first Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense. My dream had always been to see my name on a Harlequin book. In PLAIN PURSUIT, Eli Miller grew up in the Amish community. After his sister went missing, he left and eventually became an FBI agent. Eli’s prime suspect is killed in a small plane crash on an Amish farm. The suspect’s sister, Anna Quinn, arrives in the small town and is determined to clear her brother’s name. Eli’s determined to find the truth. Someone is determined to keep the events surrounding little Mary Miller’s disappearance buried in the past. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for PLAIN PURSUIT? A: When I was in New York City for the 2011 RWA Conference, an editor from Harlequin said she’d like to see more Amish romantic suspense. Prior to this, I had considered writing an Amish story, but I was intimidated by the research. I had always been fascinated with the Amish lifestyle after seeing a gentleman in his buggy on the side of the road while on vacation when I was a young girl. The editor’s comment in NYC had given me the push I needed. Before I even checked out of the hotel, I thought, What if a plane crashed in Amish country? The idea for PLAIN PURSUIT was born. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: I hope people reflect on forgiveness, whether it’s forgiving someone who has wronged them or learning to forgive themselves. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I love the last scene in the book when all the questions have been answered and Eli and Anna have found peace…and each other. Q: What inspires you to write? A. This is a great question. I wish I knew the answer. I try to write every day and I usually have to mix it up a bit to get motivated. Sometimes I sit at my desk, other times I sit on the couch. Sometimes I write in silence, other times I use the TV or radio as background noise. Lately, with the beautiful weather, I’m inspired to sit on my patio and write under the umbrella. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: To date, I can’t say that my expectations were that different from the reality. My journey to publication was long. During that time, I met a lot of published authors. I knew it was going to be work. I wasn’t an overnight success. I’m used to work. Now I have people counting on me to meet deadlines. It’s a great feeling. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Stop doubting yourself. I wasted a lot of time doubting my abilities as a writer and therefore not making progress on my manuscript. I love the quote, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” Take the time to read, learn your craft, and write with confidence. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I just turned in revisions to my next Love Inspired Suspense. This one is set in a small town and revolves around the high-stakes world of pharmaceutical research. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I enjoy spending time with my family. My two daughters dance competitively and my two sons race motocross. I also like to walk, read and stream one episode after another of In Plain Sight on Netflix. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. You can find me at the following sites: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Blog: Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. A few years ago when I got yet another rejection, a good friend who happened to be a writer, sent me a beautiful e-mail. She wrote, in part: You’ve got it, kid. Don’t give up. At the very least, what a model for your kids on what it takes to succeed. Two years after receiving that e-mail, I got “The Call.” I dedicated PLAIN PURSUIT to my children and in the front cover you’ll see this message: If you want something badly enough and you’re willing to work hard, dreams can come true. I really believe that. |
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After the birth of her second child, Alison left Corporate America for full-time motherhood. She credits an advertisement for writing children’s books for sparking her interest in writing. She never did complete a children’s book, but she did have success writing articles for local publications before finding her true calling, writing romantic suspense.
Alison lives in Western New York with her husband of twenty years and their four children where the summers are absolutely gorgeous and the winters are perfect for curling up with a good book–or writing one.
Random Acts and Too Close to Home were released by Samhain Publishing in 2012. Plain Pursuit, a Harlequin Love inspired Suspense, is available now.
Besides writing, Alison keeps busy volunteering at her children’s schools, driving her girls to dance, and watching her boys race motocross.

Thank you for hosting me, Susan!