The whole thing couldn’t have taken more than sixty seconds. Bailey hung on to the counter, dazed. If she let go, she’d collapse—and the twitching fingers of one of the gunmen would pull a trigger. The rest of her group huddled in frozen shock. Dear God, tell me this is a dream … The shooter’s […]
Every Breath You Take (Paperback)
A high-profile murder tied to an online dating service has the Chicago news media buzzing. Who better to go undercover in the world of personal profiles and promising matches than an ace detective who is single and as attractive as she is tough? Detective Kristen Conner can’t figure out her own dating life, but she […]
Elizabeth Ludwig
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself. A. Well, I could give you the long version, but the short version is much simpler…and probably more interesting. LOL! Basically, I was just a kid who loved to read. I had a voracious appetite for books, and it […]