Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself. A: Spending a happy but nomadic childhood, I entertained myself by making up countless stories, and reading and watching those devised by others in books and films. Living in the world of the imagination, I longed to be an […]
Congo Dawn (Kindle Edition)
While former Marine lieutenant Robin Duncan is no stranger to corruption or conspiracy, she has always been able to tell the good guys from the bad, and the Congo jungle at first seems no different. But as her security team tries to track down an insurgent killer, Robin has to face a man who broke […]
Three Fatal Blows (Paperback)
After his sister is killed by an internet predator, an undercover police officer has to wrestle with how justice is to be dispensed. Eric Wilson Buy on Amazon Toggle Dropdown Paperback Three Fatal Blows By Eric Wilson (Bay Forest Books) Release date: March 1, 2013 Author Bio Interviews After his sister is killed by […]