The harsh, yet peaceful Oregon Outback molds the lives of four rugged brothers who stumble into love. FBI agent Jonas Love has brought trouble back home, endangering his life and that of an old flame. Cattle rancher Carver Love finds himself falling for the sheriff in the midst of chasing down modern-day rustlers. Thrill-seeker Lucas […]
Hunter’s Prize (Backwoods Brides) (Paperback)
Meander down to Marshall, Texas, through the pages of Marcia Gruver’s third Backwoods Brides novel. Addie McRae accepts a job as governess to young Cedric Whitfield, but she has no idea what lies ahead—especially when a string of attempted robberies and a kidnapping threaten the peace of the Whitfield household. Enter Pearson Foster, a visiting […]
Marcia Gruver
Recent books by Marcia Gruver Hunter’s Prize (Backwoods Brides) Release date: 07/01/2012 Buy on Amazon Toggle Dropdown Paperback