Linda served in the military during a time when it wasn’t a politically correct thing to do. Her years as a meteorologist during Vietnam were filled with travel, teaching, and working with interesting characters. Winning awards, many of which were “firsts” for a woman in the Air Force, she experienced an array of unusual opportunities normally reserved for men. Breaking down barriers, she had the chance to stand out in leadership roles.
She taught karate and women’s self-defense off and on for thirty years, refereed soccer for twenty-five, fifteen of which she was one of eleven National Instructors for the largest youth soccer organization in the world. Teaching individuals from every socio-economic group to become referees and referees to become instructors, advanced instructors, and national instructors, she learned valuable tools in lesson planning and meeting critical deadlines.
Because of her extensive teaching opportunities across multiple spectrums, she has no fear of speaking in public or selling herself—shamelessly if necessary in order to market herself. She teaches and presents at conferences nationwide, and is a member of AWSA.
Linda is married to a terrific guy and is the mother of three amazing children, three wonderful grandchildren, and a foster cat (who has found her way, in name, onto the pages of two books). Who wouldn’t want to hear about an Ophelia? It was good enough for Shakespeare. Linda is an agent with Hartline Literary Agency and has two novellas and eight novels published.
She’s forever on the lookout for ideas that will turn into a suspenseful novel, and as an agent, is always looking for that next great blockbuster novel.

Linda served in the military during a time when it wasn’t a politically correct thing to do. Her years as a meteorologist during Vietnam were filled with travel, teaching, and working with interesting characters. Winning awards, many of which were “firsts” for a woman in the Air Force, she experienced an array of unusual opportunities normally reserved for men. Breaking down barriers, she had the chance to stand out in leadership roles.
She taught karate and women’s self-defense off and on for thirty years, refereed soccer for twenty-five, fifteen of which she was one of eleven National Instructors for the largest youth soccer organization in the world. Teaching individuals from every socio-economic group to become referees and referees to become instructors, advanced instructors, and national instructors, she learned valuable tools in lesson planning and meeting critical deadlines.
Because of her extensive teaching opportunities across multiple spectrums, she has no fear of speaking in public or selling herself—shamelessly if necessary in order to market herself. She teaches and presents at conferences nationwide, and is a member of AWSA.
Linda is married to a terrific guy and is the mother of three amazing children, three wonderful grandchildren, and a foster cat (who has found her way, in name, onto the pages of two books). Who wouldn’t want to hear about an Ophelia? It was good enough for Shakespeare. Linda is an agent with Hartline Literary Agency and has two novellas and eight novels published.
She’s forever on the lookout for ideas that will turn into a suspenseful novel, and as an agent, is always looking for that next great blockbuster novel.