Searching for Sheïda is her first novel and was originally published in French under the title À la recherche de Shéïda by Scripsi Editions in Europe & Quebec in 2014, for which she won The 2016 Word Guild Fiction Award. She was also a finalist in 2017 for the English published version.
Anne released a sequel, Le peuple caché (The hidden people) in October 2018. Her second novel once again took the prize at The Word Guild Award (French Fiction) last June 14th, 2019.
Anne is currently a member of The Word Guild (Christian Canadian Guild of authors) and WIMM (Association of Christian Women in music & media). She was also a member of SACD (Dramatic Society of Authors & Compositors) for ten years.

Searching for Sheïda is her first novel and was originally published in French under the title À la recherche de Shéïda by Scripsi Editions in Europe & Quebec in 2014, for which she won The 2016 Word Guild Fiction Award. She was also a finalist in 2017 for the English published version.
Anne released a sequel, Le peuple caché (The hidden people) in October 2018. Her second novel once again took the prize at The Word Guild Award (French Fiction) last June 14th, 2019.
Anne is currently a member of The Word Guild (Christian Canadian Guild of authors) and WIMM (Association of Christian Women in music & media). She was also a member of SACD (Dramatic Society of Authors & Compositors) for ten years.