This novel is full of mystery, suspense, love, and romance. McCoy does an excellent job at grabbing and keeping your attention.
This novel is full of mystery, suspense, love, and romance. McCoy does an excellent job at grabbing and keeping your attention.
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A: I’m a wife to John, homeschooling mom, daughter, sister, and sometimes outdoor adventurer who loves to write, hike up mountains, hang out with my kids, go on dinner dates with my husband, paint, and draw. Ha, that sums up a lot of it. I’m a person with many interests and as I’ve told a couple recently, I have a lot of hobbies I enjoy even
This book is full of mystery, suspense and romance. I love the setting, plot and dialogue in this book.
You won’t be disappointed by this romantic suspense. Lots of twists and turns and of course, the black moment has you holding your breath and saying prayers.
I couldn’t put Imperfect Justice down. Despite deadlines of my own, I inhaled every page of this book. If you like romantic suspense don’t let the word “legal” scare you off, because Ms. took the fear of that word out of the story while keeping the tension high in the suspense.