This novel is full of mystery, suspense, and romance. It is not your typical Amish type novel.
This novel is full of mystery, suspense, and romance. It is not your typical Amish type novel.
Espionage, hacking, police procedural, international crime and intrigue, covert action, spy, secret police, revenge, snipers…and so much more! Ten brand-new, never-before published novellas of suspense, intrigue, and thrills from ten bestselling Christian thriller authors, all packed into this one anthology. KILL ZONE is available for a limited time only.
Secrets by Rick Acker
Q: Give us one fact about each main character in Secrets that no one else kn
A: Leigh Collins: She vents the frustrations from her high-pressure legal career by
This was definitely a great book and I love the faith message Ms. Eason wove in.
A gripping crime story filled with complex and interesting characters and a plot filled with twists and turns.
Janice Cantore does an amazing job at putting you in the mind and heart of the police