There is nothing that can compare to a good medical suspense novel. And, I do not believe, nobody does medical suspense better than Candace Calvert.
There is nothing that can compare to a good medical suspense novel. And, I do not believe, nobody does medical suspense better than Candace Calvert.
Q: How long have you been writing and what other careers or jobs have you had?
A: From the time I wrote my first story in third grade–an epic saga about my hamster–I’ve wanted to be a writer. I wrote and edited non-fiction for years before making the switch to my first love, fiction.
My day job is the complete opposite of writing and provides a perfect balance. I’m a USCG-licensed boat captain and I get to take 5th graders out on
Be ready for a bumpy ride where you never know what’s around the corner.
Don’t miss WHAT HAPPENED ON BEALE STREET for a taste of Memphis you won’t soon forget
Authors Dani Pettrey and Lynette Eason were celebrating the release of Sins of the Past, their romantic suspense novella collection with Dee Henderson, when they received a message that one of their characters had been kidnapped. The authors need your help to free the character and bring the kidnapper to justice. If you haven’t read the […]