Don’t bother bringing a beverage to drink while you read because you will forget it is there the story is that intense. Ms. Sleeman batted a thousand on this one. I highly recommend it.
Don’t bother bringing a beverage to drink while you read because you will forget it is there the story is that intense. Ms. Sleeman batted a thousand on this one. I highly recommend it.
Ms. Eason is a very talented author. The writing was stellar and I can’t imagine the amount of research that went into this—and Ms. Eason’s brain-waves must be interesting to study as she came up with this detailed, scary, biological threat romantic suspense.
All in all, a very enjoyable romantic suspense novel. I really liked it and recommend it if you are a fan of the genre!
I especially liked the parts of the book where canine search and rescue was utilized. I hope this author has more books planned using these canine heroes.
Ms. Bradley knows how to tell a story that keeps you flipping the pages and guessing as to who the bad guy really is.