This was a great romantic suspense, and the ending scenes surprised me somewhat, with the who-dun-it and why.
This was a great romantic suspense, and the ending scenes surprised me somewhat, with the who-dun-it and why.
This is a multi-faceted story with interconnected subplots that will keep you guessing until the end. I do not recommend starting this book late at night because it will cost you sleep as you will not want to put it down.
Remnants: Season of Wonder had action, danger, and great characters. Whenever I had to stop reading, I looked forward to picking it back up and continuing the story.
From the first breathless scene, this tension-laced story will hold you in its iron grip as bestselling author Lynette Eason propels you along in a race to discover the truth.
This is a fast-paced read that will keep you guessing as to what is really going on. I am so looking forward to the next book in this series.