If you are looking for a good romantic suspense, then NAVY SEAL NOEL is a good choice.
If you are looking for a good romantic suspense, then NAVY SEAL NOEL is a good choice.
I enjoyed the romance story and main characters, but overall it was just okay.
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A. I’m a mom of eight kids, five of which my husband and I adopted from the state child welfare system. I’m also an attorney and work at the Supreme Court of Florida in the Office of the State Courts Administrator. Writing is my creative outlet that I enjoy when I get a break and a bit of “me” time.
Q: When did you first realize you
Mr. Lawhead gives us such great characters that we are always rooting for them to succeed and get together with each other.
Overall, a really good YA novel! I recommend MindWar to teens and adults who like action stories with some sci-fi/fantasy elements. It’s a good read!