The small town of Cedar Ridge, Arizona and the people who live there become real and are brought to life by a gifted storyteller.
The small town of Cedar Ridge, Arizona and the people who live there become real and are brought to life by a gifted storyteller.
Q: How did you get your start writing fiction and what genre do you predominantly write in?
A. I attended a writing conference when I was trying to write a non-fiction book about the loss of my spouse. (By the way, that book—The Tender Scar: Life After The Death Of A Spouse—came to fruition and is still in print seven years later). At the conference, two of the faculty—James Scott Bell and Alton Gansky—encouraged me to try my hand at fiction.
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A. I always knew I could write but had to wait till I’d grown up and learned a bit about the world before I had anything to say and could settle down to learning my craft. I might have been an actress, or a teacher – but ended up as a writer. I think that’s the best career of all – for me.
Q: When did you
High-action, edge of the seat suspense that drew me in and kept me reading.
Ms. Highley has given us characters who live and breathe on the pages and draw us into their lives so that we root for the good guys and do not want the bad guys to win.