I definitely recommend A Promise to Protect if you like suspenseful romance books – it’s a great one.
I definitely recommend A Promise to Protect if you like suspenseful romance books – it’s a great one.
The medical aspects in Stress Test were great and written very well… there were a few times I squirmed while reading – especially when a doctor made an incision.
While I did get some answers to what is going on in this book, I still have some questions and can hardly wait to read Hurt and find out how things will turn out for Chris.
Q: How long have you been writing and what other careers or jobs have you had?
A. I guess I’ve “always” been a writer, from when I first started trying to write horse stories back in the sixth grade. I made my first “professional” sale in high school, an article about my Dad’s desire to move to Alaska. (Which they did, as soon as they got me through college and married off!). I worked briefly for a magazine published by a
Scorned Justice is filled with intrigue, deceit, mystery, and deadly killers. On top of everything Ms. Daley manages to weave a romance into this story that just captivates you.