Mehl’s engaging characters and complex plot keep readers involved until the last page is turned.
Mehl’s engaging characters and complex plot keep readers involved until the last page is turned.
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A. Thanks for having me on your blog, Susan. I live in Western New York with my four school-age children and my husband of twenty years. Before “retiring” to raise my family, I worked as an engineer in various industries.
Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
A. After the birth of my oldest son, I saw an advertisement in a
Overall, I really enjoyed Memory of Murder and recommend it if you like books with suspense and romance.
I enjoyed the characters and their stories. The romance was very sweet, but also funny at times.
Readers of this excellent novel will find much more to enjoy than an entertaining story of suspense and romance. They will emerge with an enhanced knowledge of the rich spiritual heritage of English cultural history.