All in all, this is an outstanding novel that will satisfy a broad range of readers beyond the usual legal-thriller fans.
All in all, this is an outstanding novel that will satisfy a broad range of readers beyond the usual legal-thriller fans.
Don’t start this book late at night because it will be very difficult to put it down or stop thinking about it. I recommend this book highly and am greatly looking forward to the next book in the series.
Ms. Flower has crafted a real puzzler of a mystery. ”A Plain Scandal” keeps you guessing and I defy you to figure out who really did it.
I was spellbound and could not tear myself away from this believable story as life falls apart hour by hour.
Q: How long have you been writing and what other careers or jobs have you had?
A. My husband and I have been missionaries in Africa for about twelve years. My other job was running a home daycare in the States. It was during those years that I decided I wanted to get serious about writing, so while the kids napped, I wrote. My first book, a novella, was finally published the end of 2003.
Q: Do you write in only