Wow! I LOVED this book! From the beginning it was interesting, entertaining, and suspenseful!
Wow! I LOVED this book! From the beginning it was interesting, entertaining, and suspenseful!
This is a just plain fun, exciting story that entertains as well as makes us think. Mr.Rubart has batted in a winner and I recommend this book highly. I am so looking forward to book two in this series.
Written in the relentless style for which Brandilyn Collins is known, Double Blind is a psychological thriller with mind-bending twists.
The suspense is awesome, you feel the creepy feelings when something bad is fixing to happen, you can nearly hear that suspense theme music from the movies
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A: I’m a husband, dad, friend, author, speaker, and marketing guy—in that order.
Grew up in the Seattle area, got a degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Washington, did a stint on air at a Seattle radio station, started my marketing firm (Barefoot Marketing) in 1994.
Married twenty six years to the world’s most amazing woman, two sons 20 and 17.
Q: When did you