Candace Calvert interview with Susan Sleeman
May 13, 2012
A. I’m a veteran ER nurse, wife, Mom, proud grandmother to seven, as well as a gardener, world traveler, bird nerd, and a wooden spoon wielding “foodie.” Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. Even as a child I loved to write, but when my husband enrolled me in an online writing course (saying “stop talking about writing a book and just do it”) I finally got serious about pursuing publication. Pushy, lovely man. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. Interesting that you chose the work “break,” because it was actually multiple broken bones that launched my writing career! A very serious equestrian accident landed me “on the other side of the stethoscope” in my own trauma room—with seven fractured ribs, a bleeding lung, broken back, neck fractures and a spinal cord injury. The inspirational account of that event, an essay called “By Accident,” appears in Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul. It was one of 101 stories in a national bestseller; talk about a rookie rush! I took those online classes and eventually caught the eye of stellar literary agent Natasha Kern. And the journey continues . . .
I think the back cover copy says it well: Sidelined by injuries from a vicious assault, nurse chaplain Riley Hale is determined to return to ER duties. But how can she show she’s competent when the hospital won’t let her attempt even simple tasks? To prove herself, Riley volunteers at a controversial urban free clinic despite her fears about the maverick doctor in charge. Dr. Jack Travis defends his clinic like he’s commander of the Alamo. He’ll fight the community’s efforts to shut its doors, even if he must use Riley Hale’s influential family name to make it happen. As Riley strives to regain her skills, Jack finds that she shares his compassion—and stirs his lonely heart. Riley senses that beneath Jack’s rough exterior is a man she can believe in. But when clinic protests escalate and questions surface about his past, Jack goes into battle mode, and Riley wonders if it’s dangerous to trust him with her heart. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Trauma Plan? A: As you can see in the above blurb, Trauma Plan’s heroine suffers physical injury (a broken neck and spinal cord trauma) that jeopardizes her career, similar to my own ordeal as a trauma victim. She—like other characters in the book—fears for her future and doubts her faith. Fear is such a universal human emotion; I wanted to show the triumph of hope through faith. Because we recently lived in beautiful “hill country” Texas, I chose San Antonio as the setting. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: The Scripture base for Trauma Plan is Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. It is my sincere wish that readers come away from this story feeling that God’s loving plan for our lives offers hope, always. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: Perhaps the skydiving scene. Set to classic refrains of Tom Petty’s “Free Fallin’,” it’s romantic, breath-catching, humorous, and a dramatic way to show the interplay between fear and trust. Plus, I finally got the chance to put my own crazy skydiving leap to good use! Q: What inspires you to write? A. Connection. The opportunity to not only entertain, but offer encouragement and hope via my books—“touch” lives in much the way I did as a nurse. When readers tell me that a particular story resonated, perhaps even helped them through a difficult time, I feel truly blessed by this calling. People sometimes call me the author of “medical hope opera”—I couldn’t be more delighted. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: I’m so happy about the “team” aspect of this publishing journey. I’m grateful for the talented and experienced publishing team at Tyndale House—ready, responsive and encouraging, always. On top of that, I have an incredible “hands on” agent in Natasha Kern, a fabulous critique partner (author Nancy Herriman) AND amazing fellowship within the CBA writing community, most especially the American Christian Fiction Writers organization. That iconic cartoon of Snoopy typing atop his dog house all alone couldn’t be further from the truth—thank heaven! Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: The classic tips: read voraciously, take classes and attend workshops and conferences, get connected with other writers (join ACFW), make a habit of daily writing and don’t ever give up! Find joy in the journey whether or not publication is your goal. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’ve just completed the second book in the Grace Medical series, Rescue Team, and have begun a third story, working title First Responder. Q: What is something your readers might be surprised to learn about you? A. Like my Trauma Plan heroine, I’ve been trained as a lay chaplain. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I love to walk, hike—and squeal like a fool when my binoculars spot a new bird! We’ve recently moved back home to northern California, so hubby and I are re-discovering some of our favorite spots: Sierra mountains, San Francisco, Napa Valley and the Pacific coast. We’re enjoying our lovely new home, where I can be found puttering in the garden and (as folks who follow me on Twitter and FB know) tying on the apron to whip up something fun in the kitchen. Of course, nothing beats those precious “grandma” moments. Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. I’d like to thank you for hosting me here on The Suspense Zone and tell readers (old and new) how very much I appreciate their encouragement—it is an honor to have you “scrub in” with my stories of hope.
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