Candace Calvert interview with Susan Sleeman
December 07, 2015
A: My first published work (in Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul) was an inspirational account of the riding accident that nearly claimed my life. I now write adrenaline-infused, romantic, and hopeful medical fiction drawing upon my long career as an ER nurse. Q: What does your writing space look like? A: I’ve recently added a Varidesk (standing desktop) that makes my computer monitor and keyboard look a bit like the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. And, of course, I have a wall or two devoted to posters of my handsome story heroes.
If you want a closer look, check this short author video that shows both my office and my kitchen—where I do a lot plotting while cooking, simmering, and baking. Q: In this busy world, how do you find time to connect with God and how does this impact your writing? A: I tend to have casual “conversations” with God throughout my day, especially on my daily walks. I’m a Fitbit fan, and while I’m getting my steps I’m also bending God’s ear. In times when I hit a snag in my writing, or begin to doubt myself, I’ve learned it’s because I let “busy” interfere with that all important relationship. I take my concern to where it belongs, reconnect with God, and find my way again. Q: What part of a writing career do you find most difficult? A: Juggling it all: writing, family, health, recreation, and other creative interests. It’s too easy to let the writing (and related pursuits) throw that critical balance off. To write good stories, it’s essential to live, experience . . . beyond the keyboard.
A: I think this jacket blurb describes it well: ER nurse Macy Wynn learned essential, gritty lessons in the California foster care system: land on your feet and trust no one. She’s finally located the fellow foster child she loves like a sister, but the girl’s in deep trouble. Macy’s determined to help, no matter what it takes. Her motto is to “make it happen” in any situation life throws at her—even when she butts heads with an idealistic cop. Deputy Fletcher Holt believes in a higher plan, the fair outcome—and his ability to handle that by himself if necessary. Now he’s been yanked from Houston, his mother is battling cancer, and he’s attracted to a strong-willed nurse who could be the target of a brutal sniper. When everything goes wrong, where do they put their trust? Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story? A: My husband is on the board of US Crisis Care, an organization that trains community crisis chaplains, and I thought it would be wonderful to fashion a series around these selfless volunteers. In addition, I have been certified in both crisis intervention and lay chaplaincy. It felt like a natural progression. Q: Tell us a little about your main character and how you developed him/her. A: Deputy Fletcher Holt was a secondary character In Life Support, the third book in my Grace Medical series. When I moved on to this new series, I just couldn’t leave him behind! He’s idealistic, family-oriented, and a believer. I loved pitting him against the story’s heroine, a streetwise, independent and mistrustful ER nurse. Q: What did you enjoy most about writing this book? Least? A: By Your Side is set in Sacramento, my home town. It was like hosting my readers, even giving them a “taste” of some of my favorite dining spots. I also loved taking them hiking along the dizzying and spectacular trails of Yosemite National Park, in my opinion one of God’s most amazing creations. It was intriguing to write from the POV of serial sniper, and awesome to team with a real life Sacramento homicide detective to develop realistic law enforcement scenes, and . . . Honestly, I don’t think there was anything I didn’t like about writing this story! Q: What is the main theme or spiritual message of this book? A: The message is a simple one, but perhaps the biggest struggle for many of us: To fully trust God. In all things. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: I’m currently “juggling” the second and third books of this new Crisis Team series: marketing Step by Step (February, 2016) and awaiting redline edits on Maybe It’s You, scheduled for release early in 2017. Q: If you could have dinner with 2 people, who would they be? A: Because of something I found myself pondering for the Maybe It’s You story, I’m going to throw you a curve ball here: I’d like to have dinner with myself and my mother—both at 8 years of age. How would the two girls be alike, different? What would they think of me? What would I learn from them? What would I feel a need to share? Q: Do you have a favorite hobby? A: Cooking! Folks who follow me on Facebook endure an endless collage of my kitchen adventures—almost all featuring my infamous orange Happy Spoon. Q: What is the most rewarding thing you have ever done? A: Besides parenting (and grand, great-grand parenting!) and being married to my soul mate, it would probably be an equal split between my nursing and writing careers. In truth, they feel much the same: the amazing opportunity to touch lives, encourage, comfort—make a difference. Huge blessing. Oh, and there were my years as a horsewoman. That bond . . . So incredible. (Patting my heart, smiling) I have been given some great rewards. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet?
Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: YES! I’m thrilled to learn that By Your Side is one of Booklist’s Top Ten Inspirational Books of 2015. AND I’m excited that my publisher is offering a limited time download (many favorite online sites) of this novel at the deeply discounted price of 2.99. The promo runs from December 6th to December 12th. I hope you’ll grab it “stat” for an exciting and romantic holiday read. In addition, I’m delighted to sign a print copy of By Your Side for a giveaway here—an honor to have you “scrub in” with my hopeful medical fiction. Best of luck to you all!
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Loved reading this interview! Looking forward to trying out her books!
Great, great book and author!! I would love to hear that conversation between the two 8 year old girls. Maybe a part in a future book? Thanks for sharing. Great interview!