Carol J. Post interview with Susan Sleeman
February 02, 2014
A. I’m an Ohio transplant who is very glad my parents brought me to Florida as a child, because I love the sunshine and warmth. I’ve been married to the same man for 33 years, who is the love of my life. For almost all of that time, I’ve worked at his side playing the piano and singing as he has led worship. Both of our daughters married Navy guys and moved 1,300 miles away, so I now pour all that nurturing into taking care of three fat and sassy cats and one highly spoiled dog. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. I think I’ve always wanted to be a writer in one sense or another. As a child, I loved writing poetry and even enjoyed doing research papers in school. (I know, that’s really weird.) Ten years into our marriage, my husband and I became a team couple for Marriage Encounter weekends and had to write our talks. I loved it and decided to try my hand at writing articles for publication. After some success at that, I moved to novel writing. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. The first book I got published was actually the third book I wrote. (I always say book three, take twenty, because I rewrote the thing so many times!) But before that, I wasted a lot of years, because I kept getting discouraged and quitting. Finally, in 2010, I joined Romance Writers of America and my local chapter, the Tampa Area Romance Authors. My third novel was ready to submit (or so I thought), and I was determined that this time I was going to stick with it all the way to publication. I got a rejection letter from Love Inspired, but instead of a form rejection, there were actually comments there I could use. I rewrote the whole thing and asked if they would give my manuscript another look. The next correspondence was a “revise and resubmit,” which I turned around in about two months. A few months later, I got The Call.
Sure. Here’s the book blurb: Jessica Parker left Harmony Grove with bad memories and a vow to never return – until she is called back eight years later to deal with her sister’s suicide. When all the evidence points instead to murder, she is determined to find the killer and bring him to justice. Her handsome new neighbor is eager to help, but she’s sure he’s hiding something. Undercover FBI agent Shane Dalton is in Harmony Grove investigating the crash of a plane full of cocaine and gets more than he bargained for when he runs into Jessica. She’s a little rough around the edges, and he isn’t sure whether she’s involved or is just going to get in his way. But soon it becomes obvious that someone wants Jessica gone from Harmony Grove. As the threats intensify, Shane finds himself in a race against time to solve both cases. Because the closer they get to the truth, the closer the killer gets to making them his next victims. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for MOTIVE FOR MURDER? A: My books always start with a very basic plot idea. In this case, it was “A young lady comes home to deal with her sister’s suicide and discovers she was murdered.” From there I flesh out the plot and populate the story with interesting but flawed characters. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: Hardships are going to come. We can allow them make us bitter or use them to make us better. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: My favorite scene in the book is when the heroine gets shot. It’s just a flesh wound, but the circumstances cause the hero to flashback to the night that his wife was shot and died in his arms. This marks the turning point in the relationship between the hero and heroine. Q: What inspires you to write? A. Being out in nature always inspires me to write. My favorite “work” areas are the wrought iron table and chair set on the back patio, the porch swing hanging from one of our huge oaks, and the deck of our sailboat. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: I had no idea how much time would need to be spent on tasks other than writing books – edits, social media, promotion, etc. I didn’t realize I would have to keep so many balls in the air at one time. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Join a writer’s group. I can’t stress it enough. No one understands the writer’s life like fellow writers. Not only are they a valuable source of information, but they will give you the encouragement to keep going when you feel like quitting Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m working on a three-book series set in Cedar Key, Florida, for Love Inspired Suspense. Cedar Key is a quaint, artsy town that is true “old Florida.” (In fact, it’s the second oldest city in the state.) Every few weeks, my critique partners and I head up there for a few days and rent a honeymoon cottage on the Gulf. (Hey, it’s research!) Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I love the outdoors–sailing, canoeing, camping, hiking, picnics in the park, you name it. Fortunately I live in Florida where we can enjoy the outdoors pretty much all year long. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. My web site is I can also be found on facebook ( and on twitter (@caroljpost). Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. I think that’s it. Thank you for having me on your blog. It’s been fun.
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