I love this series.
I love this series.
Q: How long have you been writing and what other careers or jobs have you had?
A. I’ve been writing since the mid-80’s (I was just a little girl! ‘-) I’ve been a beautician and a high school teacher, and a full time mom.
Q: Would you tell us about your current book release A Heart of Stone?
A: It is part of my ‘Opposites Attract” series, clean wholesome romances in the Shadow of Mystery
Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this
Q: What lessons or truths do you hope people take away from The Deception?
A: The enemy knows how to “play nice,” but he never plays fair. We never ignore God’s biblical standards and get away with it. Even more specifically, communicating with deceased loved ones and supposed “enlightened departed spirits” is a huge open door to invite demonic activity and oppression into our lives. Don’t buy into the reality shows and seance party trends that encourage us to contact departed