I absolutely had to keep reading and read this entire book in one afternoon. At least I won’t be up all night!
I absolutely had to keep reading and read this entire book in one afternoon. At least I won’t be up all night!
Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A. I’m Margaret Daley and I’ve been writing since the late 1970s. First I was an avid reader. I’ve always been a storyteller from childhood, making up stories in my mind. So I decided to put one of my stories down on paper (back then there weren’t computers—my first ones were written down on paper then I typed them after editing them. The rise of computers
Q: How did you get your start writing fiction and what genre do you predominantly write in?
A: I’ve always had a love of writing stories from as young as I can remember. In fact, my first short story was about a rabbit who had to go to the “hoppyital” because I couldn’t spell hospital. Perhaps I was always destined to be a nurse and an author. I love writing suspense because in reading suspense you can live on the edge