Ms. Bradley knows how to tell a story that keeps you flipping the pages and guessing as to who the bad guy really is.
Ms. Bradley knows how to tell a story that keeps you flipping the pages and guessing as to who the bad guy really is.
Q: How did you get your start writing fiction and what genre do you predominantly write in?
A few years after I discovered Christian fiction, I began subscribing to Love Inspired and when the books began to take over our bedroom, my husband suggested I write my own. So I did!
I signed my first contract with Love Inspired Suspense in 2010 and in 2012 was contracted to write mysteries for Revell Publishing. So I currently divide my time between writing romantic
Q: How did you get your start writing fiction and what genre do you predominantly write in?
A: The editor at Womans World bought the first thing I ever wrote when I first started writing. A mini-mystery called The Snow Leopard. Her name was Nancy McCarthy and she was a saint. The guidelines stated to send a manuscript of 2000 words. I sent 3500, not knowing any better and she cut the ms to the required 2000. I didn’t have a