Dani Pettrey interview with Susan Sleeman
August 11, 2014
A. I have always loved daydreaming and making up stories. I dabbled with creative writing growing up, but set it aside. It wasn’t until after the birth of my youngest daughter and a bout with a serious illness that I really felt God stirring me to start writing again. I wrote for a number of years, studied the craft, entered contests and applied the feedback I received. Several years ago, I attended the ACFW conference. I approached my editor after his Spotlight Session and he was gracious enough to ask to see the first three chapters. A few weeks later, I got a request for the full. A few weeks after that he told me they were going to present it for contract. The day I got ‘the call’ was amazing. I had received my share of rejections, so getting the ‘go ahead’ on a story I loved so dearly was pure joy. I love writing inspirational romantic suspense because it incorporates so many things I love–the thrill of adventure, nail-biting suspense, the deepening of one’s faith and plenty of romance. It’s the perfect combination for me.
A: I write in a sunroom off of our kitchen. I love the beach so my office is decorated to remind me of sand and sunshine. The walls are yellow and I have a number of photographs from the beach adorning my walls. I also have a small sofa where my writing buddy sits. I often join him on the couch, curling up in front of the sunroom windows with a notebook, pen and a good cup of coffee. Q: In this busy world, how do you find time to connect with God and how does this impact your writing? A. Great question. I try to set aside time every morning for bible reading and devotions. I find if I start my day off in God’s Word I’m always in a better frame of mind. As far as my faith impacting my writing, I hope it does so in a natural way. Just as my love of adventure permeates the stories I write, so does my faith. My relationship with Jesus is part of every facet of my life; it’s only natural that it’s part of the stories I tell. Q: What part of a writing career do you find most difficult? A. I find the biggest challenge is trying to balance everything–taking care of my family, maintaining close friendships, writing, researching and marketing. It’s definitely hard to juggle it all and my deepest prayer is for guidance on how to best balance everything God has so kindly entrusted me with.
A: A relaxing day of rock climbing takes a disturbing turn when Kayden McKenna’s route leads her to a face-to-face encounter with a dead climber. Is it a terrible accident or something sinister? When the case is handed to the overburdened sheriff, he turns to Jake Westin. With Jake’s past now revealed, he’s ready to use his talent for investigation again-–but he could never prepare for where the case will take him. Kayden and Jake soon realize that the death was no accident. And worse, it seems the killer is on to them. When strange things begin happening in Yancey, Jake is terrified that once again his world may put someone he loves in danger. But the truth is far worse than either of them imagine. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story? A: The inspiration primarily came from the characters themselves as they grew and developed through the earlier books in the Alaskan Courage series. It’s been so much fun watching Kayden’s apprehension of Jake fade and be replaced by deep and abiding love. Unfortunately, a killer stands in the way of their happiness. Q: What did you enjoy most about writing this book? Least? A: Finally letting Jake and Kayden get their happily ever after was awesome. Putting them through the obstacles they needed to face was rough. Q: What is the main theme or spiritual message of this book? A: For Silenced, God really summed up its message by bringing Isaiah 43:19 to mind. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” God can take a dry, parched land and fill it anew with living springs. He can take the hard parts of life, the heartaches and suffering, and bring fresh beauty and purpose out of it. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: I am working on the revisions for the final book in my Alaskan Courage series. Sabotaged is Reef McKenna’s story and here’s a sneak peak: Growing up, goody-two-shoes Kirra Jacobs and troublemaker Reef McKenna were always at odds. Now paired together on Yancey’s search-and-rescue canine unit, they begin to put aside old arguments as they come to see each other in a different light. Then a call comes in from the Iditarod that will push them to their limits. Kirra’s uncle, a musher in the race, has disappeared. Kirra and Reef quickly track the man, but what they discover is harrowing. Frank’s daughter has been kidnapped. In order to save her, the man must use his knowledge as a mechanical engineer to do the kidnapper’s bidding or she will die. Kirra and Reef, along with the entire McKenna family, are thrown into a race to stop a shadowy villain who is not only threatening a girl’s life, but appears willing to unleash one of the largest disasters Alaska has ever seen. Q: If you could have dinner with 2 people, who would they be? A. One would be Jamie Sullivan from A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I would ask her how she could always be so brave. I know the answer. I know it was Christ filling her with strength, but I just admire her steadfast faith so much. The other would be Jane Austen. She was an amazing author way ahead of her time. Q: Do you have a favorite hobby? A. Spending the day on the beach—swimming, walking, and reading a good book. Next in line would be hiking. My family and I love spending time outdoors. Q: What is the most rewarding thing you have ever done? A. Raising my children. I loved being a homeschooling mom. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. Website: www.danipettrey.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/danipettrey Twitter: www.twitter.com/danipettrey Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. I’d love for readers to keep me in prayer if they feel so inclined. Specifically, prayers for my writing to be guided by God and for every story to be for His glory. Thanks so much for having me today and for everyone who has taken the time to stop by. I appreciate you!
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Praised by New York Times best-selling author Dee Henderson as “a name to look for in romantic suspense,” Dani Pettrey has sold more than 400,000 copies of her novels to readers eagerly awaiting the next release. Dani combines the page-turning adrenaline of a thriller with the chemistry and happy-ever-after of a romance. Her novels stand out for their “wicked pace, snappy dialogue, and likable characters” (Publishers Weekly), “gripping storyline[s],” (RT Book Reviews), and “sizzling undercurrent of romance” (USA Today).
Her greatest joy as an author is sharing the stories God lays on her heart. She researches murder and mayhem from her home in Maryland, where she lives with her husband. Their two daughters, a son-in-law, and two adorable grandsons also reside in Maryland. For more information about her novels, visit danipettrey.com.

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