Debby Giusti interview with Susan Sleeman
September 30, 2013
A. Like all Army wives, I’ve held a lot of volunteer positions over the years, but I’m a medical technologist by profession and worked mainly in blood banking–think transfusions–until my first child was born. Then I became a stay-at-home mom and loved every minute spent raising my three children! When my firstborn went to college, I returned to the clinical lab and worked PRN. I also freelanced for a number of magazines while writing full-length fiction in my spare time. In 2007, my debut novel, NOWHERE TO HIDE, was published. Fast forward six years to September 2013 and the release of my twelfth book, THE SOLDIER’S SISTER. Q: Do you write in only one genre and if so which one and why? If not, which ones and why? A: I grew up reading Nancy Drew and love suspense. My stories fall in the inspirational romantic suspense genre, which means they’re filled with murder and mayhem, but I also include a love story and a touch of faith. Q: How does your faith play into your writing A: Although my relationship with the Lord encompasses every part of my life, the faith thread is lightly woven through my stories and is never preachy so the books can be enjoyed by everyone—believers and non-believers alike. Q: How do you choose your settings for your books? A. My current Military Investigations series takes place in and around Fort Rickman, a fictional army post I created in South Georgia. The post is a combination of Fort Knox, KY, where I lived in my youth, and Fort Benning, GA, where my son and daughter-in-law were recently stationed. Q: Do you base your characters on people you know or are they totally made up? A. They’re fictional characters, but I “borrow” traits from folks I meet or see on the street
A: My heroine, Stephanie Upton returns to her hometown of Freemont, GA, when she accepts the Army Wounded Warrior, or AW2, Advocate job at nearby Fort Rickman. Although she wants to reconnect with her estranged soldier brother, she never realizes the problems that will develop, including someone who wants her dead. As the danger escalates, Brody Goodman, Special Agent with the US Army Criminal Investigation Division, is called in to investigate. He suspects Stephanie’s brother, which ups the conflict and puts Stephanie in the middle of the two men she cares about most. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for THE SOLDIER’S SISTER? A: Once I learned about the Army’s Wounded Warrior Program and the help the AW2 Advocates provide to our injured soldiers, I knew the program needed to be featured in a story. Soon thereafter, the characters appeared and the story took shape. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: That forgiveness brings healing. Most people carry baggage from the past. Often those old hurts keep them from moving forward. I hope my readers will be able to forgive their own past mistakes or the mistakes others have made in order to heal any festering wounds that keep them from fully embracing life…and love. Q: Tell us what you like about the main characters of this book. A: Stephanie is a strong and compassionate woman who’s determined to help her brother even if it means exposing the mistake she made in the past. Brody is a protector and defender, who would never compromise the investigation, but he has to listen to his heart and it keeps telling him that Stephanie is someone special. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m putting together a proposal for two more stories in my Military Investigations series and looking forward to the next release. The Agent’s Secret Past will be out in March 2014 and has an Amish tie in that I hope readers will enjoy. Q: If money were no object what vacation would you like to take and why? A. My husband was stationed in Germany, and my family and I lived there for three years. We’ve loved the people and the country and have returned often so a vacation in Germany would be my first choice. Q: What is the silliest thing you have ever done? A. I attended an Army Wives Club Crazy Hat Luncheon in costume, including a straw hat and Halloween mask. No one recognized me, and wanting to stay “in character,” I kept the mask on throughout the event. That meant I couldn’t eat. I won a prize, but I went home hungry! J Q: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? A. My son has had four wartime deployments. Saying goodbye is always hard, which is why I pray daily for all our military in harm’s way, asking the Lord to protect them just as He has always protected my son. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: I hang out on Seekerville,, with 12 other Christian authors and a huge online community called the Villagers. This month we’re celebrating our blog’s 6th birthday with daily and weekly giveaways and a Grand Prize of a iPad Mini. I hope everyone will stop by and leave a comment to be entered in the drawings. Readers can learn more about me at my website: Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. I want to give a shout out to all the men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much to ensure that our country – the United States of America – remains the land of the free and the home of the brave! God bless the USA and God bless our military heroes! Thanks for hosting me on your blog, Susan!
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Debby has more than 900,000 books in print, and her stories have won numerous awards, including two Daphne du Maurier Awards for Inspirational Suspense, the National Readers’ Choice Award, the Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award, Golden Quill, the Beacon, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and the Write Touch. Her twenty-fourth novel, AMISH CHRISTMAS SECRETS, released in October and is the last book in her Amish Protectors series. AMISH SAFE HOUSE, the second book in a new Amish Witness Protection Continuity series from Love Inspired Suspense, will be available in February 2019.

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