Elizabeth Goddard interview with Susan Sleeman
July 14, 2012
A. Thanks for having me on Susan. I’m a seventh generation Texan. All my family lives in East Texas, but at the writing of this interview, I’m packing up the house and we’re moving to central Louisiana where my husband will pastor a small church. I have four children, one of them in college, and the other three I home school. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. I think a lot of writers are simply writer at heart their whole lives. I know it was a gift I always had, but I never really knew what to do with it until 2001, when I have the privilege of meeting DiAnn Mills and joined American Christian Romance Writers. The organization is called American Christian FICTION Writers now, to include the guys. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. As soon as I joined ACFW I began submitting a chapter a week to my little critique group. All the ladies in the group are published now, by the way. That was in 2001. In 2005 I was at the annual conference and brainstormed with a dear friend of mine, Lisa Harris, about a series set in Massachusetts that we would write together. Lena Nelson Dooley joined us on that venture. We prepared the proposal and sent that in early 2006, but it wasn’t until later that year when I received an email from the editor who would buy my first book, Seasons of Love, that I had sold. After that I sold a novella for a Christmas collection to Barbour, and more books to Heartsong Presents. In 2010, I signed with agent Steve Laube, which I also consider a highlight of my writing career. Signing with him gave me a real boost in confidence. Since signing with Steve, I’ve sold four books to Love Inspired Suspense, several more to Heartsong Presents and more are in the works.
Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Oregon Outback? My initial inspiration came from a travel magazine with the phrase “Oregon Outback” on the cover. I knew that would make a great title for a book. I already had a story that I was working on set in Oregon and it fit perfectly into this high dessert geography. The story went through several different versions before ending up as a four-in-one collection. In the version that finally sold, all I had to do was create three brothers for my main character, Jonas Love. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: That family is important. That love and commitment are forever. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: Oh this is embarrassing, but there are four novellas, right? And I struggle with which one I love the most as it is. Okay. . so I’ve taken time to think about which scene is my favorite and I’m back to answer this question. In A Love Risked, the third novella, Lucas is having girl problems and his brother (Jonas) from A Love Remembered, shows up. They have the usual brother banter, but Jonas can tell right away that Lucas has fallen for someone because only a woman could put that look on his face. Q: What inspires you to write? A. If I have a day where I can’t seem to put words to paper, reading a novel or watching a great movie will usually motivate me! Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: I think maybe I thought it would mean more to other people than it does. Outside of my writing world, I don’t meet a lot of people who care about that. Everything else—the hard work, blood, sweat and tears, I fully expected. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Last year I would have said to never give up. With self-publishing readily available, my advice would be to learn your craft and don’t put yourself out there until you’re ready. People think that they can skip the hard work it takes to become a good novelist. They can’t. To fine-tune and hone your craft can take years. Be patient. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m working on DEAD AHEAD (working title) which is the second book in a series for Love Inspired Suspense about high-stakes repo-men. The first book in that series, TREACHEROUS SKIES, releases in December. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I love to enjoy my children. Go to movies or bake artisan bread. Love the aroma. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. http://elizabethgoddard.com http://facebook.com/elizabethgoddardauthor http://bethgoddard.blogspot.com http://twitter.com/bethgoddard http://christiansread.wordpress.com Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. I hope to see you on my blog or Facebook page! |
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Elizabeth Goddard is the USA Today bestselling and award- winning author of more than 50 novels, including Cold Light of Day and the Rocky Mountain Courage and Uncommon Justice series. Her books have sold nearly 1.5 million copies. She is a Carol Award and Reader’s Choice Award winner and a Daphne du Maurier Award finalist. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family, traveling to find inspiration for her next book, and serving with her husband in ministry.
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