Q: What’s one thing would you like readers to know about you?
A. I would love readers to know how much I think about them and pray for them as I write. My prayer is for them to be entertained and encouraged and for God to show them something about Himself as they read. (And that they won’t be bored!)
Q: What is the craziest, most risk-taking thing you’ve ever done?
A. I’m quite risk-averse in my real life. So I’d say the biggest risk-taking thing I’ve ever done was learning to scuba dive! I was HORRIBLE at it in the beginning and absolutely terrified to dive in the lake. But I love it now!
Q: Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
1. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering and worked as an engineer – hard- hat, steel toed shoes, etc. until our daughter was born.
2. If there was a camera in my house during Clemson football games . . . er . . . well, let’s say I’m glad there is NOT a camera. I jump and yell and whoop it up just as much as my boys. I take football very seriously.
3. In high school, we TP’d our senior advisor’s house and got chased, and caught, by the police. They let us go when they realized that rather than malicious vandals, they’d caught a bunch of honor students who were messing with their teacher (she’d been taunting us….”I can’t believe no one has gotten me yet…”) and she knew it was coming and didn’t have any interest in pressing charges. Our punishment was to clean it up (which we were going to do anyway). That was my first and last encounter with the law!!
Q: Would you tell us about your current book release IN TOO DEEP and where the idea for this story came from?
A. When I was brainstorming this story, I knew I wanted to address the issue of human trafficking but I wasn’t sure what that would look like. A few weeks after I’d written down a brief blurb for the story, I was sitting in church and learned about the very real issue of labor trafficking that is rampant in my own town . . . just a few miles from my home. It rocked my world and I knew in that moment that labor trafficking would be the focus of the suspense thread.
love Lynn’s books if you like suspense and romance then you have to read her book,. I like your book also only problem is I finish them and then have to wait for the next one to come out.