Q: What one thing would you like readers to know about you?
A: I wish I would always keep in mind that I’m the only Bible some people will ever read.
Q: What is the craziest, most risk-taking thing you’ve ever done?
A: It’s a toss-up between getting on a plane and flying seventeen hours to Israel or getting on a horse that hasn’t been broken. The first I would do over; the second…uh, no—the saddle girth broke and I went one way and the horse went the other.
Q: Tell me three things about yourself that would surprise your readers.
- 1. I’ve been doing Pilates for fifteen years and can touch the floor flat handed.
- 2. I’ve been doing a hundred crunches a day since the first of the year.
- 3. I don’t like chocolate chip cookies.
Q: Would you tell us about your current book release, Justice Delivered, and where the idea for this story came from?
A: Justice Delivered was conceived at my Wednesday night Bible study about four years ago. A speaker from Advocates for Freedom spoke that night on human trafficking. I had no idea the scope of this terrible business. And a business it is—revenues in excess of 150 billion annually. I already knew that in the first Memphis Cold Case novel, the sister of David Raines’ wife had gone missing years earlier and now I knew why. Here’s the back cover copy
Carly Smith came by her trust issues honestly. A victim of sex trafficking, she’s been at the mercy of merciless men, ignored by law enforcement officers who should have helped her, and seemingly rejected by her family. She can’t even trust herself to do the right thing. Though she escaped her captors and is working hard on building a new life, the past continues to haunt her when she discovers that the man she couldn’t bring herself to report to police for fear of reliving her captivity is still out there, luring vulnerable girls under the guise of being a modeling agent.
When her own niece is kidnapped, Carly must overcome her fears and come forward with the information she has before it’s too late. When that proves to be not enough, she’ll have to go after the perpetrators herself.
Patricia Bradley
Thank you so much for featuring me!