Forbidden (The Books of Mortals)
By Ted Dekker (FaithWords)
Release date: May 1, 2012
Fleeing pursuit, with only moments to live, a young man named Rom stumbles into possession of a vial of blood and a piece of cryptic writing. When consumed, the blood will bring him back to life. When decoded, the message will lead him on a perilous journey that will require him to abandon everything he has ever known and awaken humanity to the transforming power of true life and love. But the blood will also resurrect hatred, ambition, and greed at terrible risk. The first book in a thrilling series set in a desolate future, FORBIDDEN begins a journey that continues with Mortal and will conclude with Soverign.
Review – Forbidden
Reviewed by Gail Welborn
Dekker and Lee’s captivating narrative entertains with rich characterizations and an exceptionally interesting plot that engages readers and leaves them wanting more.