Gone to Ground: A Novel
By Brandilyn Collins (B&H Books)
Release date: March 1, 2012
Amaryllis, Mississippi is a scrappy little town of strong backbone and southern hospitality. A brick-paved Main Street, a park, and a legendary ghost in the local cemetery are all part of its heritage. Everybody knows everybody in Amaryllis, and gossip wafts on the breeze. Its people are friendly, its families tight. On the surface Amaryllis seems much like the flower for which it’s named—bright and fragrant.
Review – Gone to Ground
Reviewed by Melanie De Jong
If you are looking for a great mystery novel, you should definitely try Gone to Ground.
Review – Gone to Ground
Reviewed by Gail Welborn
Collin’s weaves subtle elements of faith throughout the suspense filled narrative which is why she is called “Queen of Seatbelt Suspense ©.” If readers aren’t already fans, they will be by the time they turn the last page.
Review – Gone to Ground
Reviewed by Cindy Loven
Intense, page to page action that will draw you in, and hook you! Great story, great action, great book!