Tammy Johnson interview with Susan Sleeman
April 06, 2015
A: Hey everyone! I’m a grown up (most of the time) preacher’s kid and mother of four. Three of my kids are adults now and are out of the nest and making their own marks on the world. My days are spent working as a paraeducator to special needs children and my evenings are spent torturing my teenage son with my views of him still being my baby. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A: I’d have to say it was right about the time that I discovered my first romance novel in my late twenties. I fell so in love with the characters I knew I had to create my own so I could keep them with me longer. Looking back, I was probably creating characters long before I thought of putting them down on paper. With the many moves came a very overactive imagination. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A: I first started writing in the late 1990’s and I joined as many writers’ groups as I could find. When I felt I had a little bit of a handle on it all, I started entering contests. I LOVED contests. I did well in some and not so well in others but along the way I grew in my writing. In 2005 I was a finalist in RWA’s Golden Heart contest. That year was my first RWA convention and an experience of a lifetime. I received a few requests as a result of the contest but I also started letting life get in the way more and more. I didn’t follow through on the requests as I should have and I started writing less. Years passed without any writing at all, but I always had the dream of being published with Harlequin. When I found the 2014 Killer Voices pitch event, I knew it was time to give my writing a try again. I’m so glad I did because I sold through Killer Voices and I’m enjoying every second of the ride since.
A: ROYAL RESCUE is my debut book. Until it, I had never thought of writing suspense. I was sitting in church one morning and feeling confused about the direction my life should go and the pastor (who happened to be my brother) said he really felt he should talk about using what was in your hand. Which, I translated over to I needed to get writing again. When I got home I checked the Harlequin website to see if they had anything going on and there it was – They had started the Killer Voices event. I sent in my first page and kept at it through every step of the process and now here I am. Here’s the blurb: A PRINCESS IN PERIL Hidden away for more than fourteen years, Thea James was presumed dead by most; killed in the fire that burned the royal palace. But Ronin Parrish knows the truth; and so does the person who murdered Thea’s father, the king. Ronin takes his new duty as Thea’s bodyguard seriously. After all, she’s the only one who can clear his father of the king’s murder. It doesn’t matter that the princess’s beauty and strength draw him to her. To a commoner like him, she can never be more than a mission. Now he’s in a race to restore the princess to her rightful place on the throne before the unknown killer prematurely ends her reign. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Royal Rescue? A: Inspiration for Royal Rescue came mostly from life. I’ve always struggled with self-worth. It’s taken me a long time to realize my value doesn’t lie in what I look like or what I do. I wanted to share a message through the story that would hopefully help others who might have similar struggles. Finding the Killer Voice pitch event was a huge inspiration to actually get back to writing! Also, with the message my brother gave, I felt God was telling me it was time to dig deep and really do it this time. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: We are all children of the one true King and need to believe in the value we have to our Father. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: Oh! That’s hard to say without spoilers. I would have to say the last half of chapter fifteen is probably my favorite. When Ronin realizes how much he needs Thea and he prays. Although, I am really fond of the rest stop scene and the mouse as well. Q: What inspires you to write? A: I get inspired when I think about people actually reading what I’m writing. I’ve enjoyed every step of the way of making my dream come true and now I just want to keep on doing it. Now I’m dreaming for the day when I can write full time. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: It’s silly to admit, but I think I really thought I’d feel different. I’ve always put ‘published’ authors on a pedestal. I thought they were so much better than me because they had actually sold a book. Now I realize I am one of them and I’m not any smarter or any different than I was before. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Believe in yourself. Yes, it’s important to be able to take criticism in order to grow and learn as a writer, but don’t let what other people think deter you from your dream. If you know in your heart that you want to do it, then do it. Tomorrow may never come. Put your dreams in action by writing every day. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: I’m working on Thea’s brother’s story. Leo was mentioned in Royal Rescue and I can’t wait for him to have his own story told. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A: When I’m not writing I enjoy spending time with my son and family. We can often be found spending an afternoon playing online games and watching movies on Netflix. I chalk my TV viewing up to character research. I also enjoy fishing and time outdoors in the summer. I rarely venture out in the winter as I am not fond of the cold. I also love summer cloud watching and storm chasing. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: I can be found at my website – www.tammyjohnson.net Also on my author facebook page at www.facebook.com/authortammyjohnson or through twitter @TammyjTammy Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: The other Killer Voices ladies and I are planning to start a blog in the coming months. Details will be posted on my website and facebook page. I’m hoping readers will send me pictures of my book on the shelves or in its new home. Also, I’m planning a locket giveaway to last through April. Inside the locket it says – I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my Father is King. If Royal Rescue does nothing else, I hope it sparks this truth in someone’s life. |
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Raised as a preacher’s kid, faith has always held an important place in her life. Tammy enjoys sharing her faith by writing stories of strong heroines and heroes who find strength in their beliefs to overcome danger and fear. She is a country girl at heart and lives in a small Kansas town with her teenage son and dachshund. She enjoys cloud watching and summer storms. A glass of sweet tea and a new story are never far away.

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