Michelle Karl interview with Susan Sleeman
April 06, 2015
A: Thanks for having me here today! I guess, in a nutshell, I’m a freelance writer from Ontario, Canada who loves animals, buys too many books, and who will always say yes to a refill on my coffee. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A: I’m one of those “I’ve always known!” kind of people. My earliest memory of success comes from a writing contest I entered in second grade. My poem won me a t-shirt and publication in a little local newsletter booklet. I don’t remember now what the poem was about, but I think that experience definitely confirmed my aspirations even as a child. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A: Aside from winning a writing contest at eight years old? Well, none of my other professional experiences have won me a t-shirt! In all seriousness, however, I was offered the contract for my first book through the Killer Voices pitch opportunity held by Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense editors in 2014. There were several rounds of submissions and cuts throughout the event, and I was the first of six participants who made it all the way through to contract and publication. To be honest, the whole thing was quite unexpected and I had to be persuaded by a fellow author to enter, but I’m so glad I did!
A: I usually tell people: “CIA! A ferry trapped in ice! Hostages! Kissing!” and let them decide from there (I’m winking right now, but of course you can’t see me), but here’s a little more… when CIA agent Shaun bumps into a woman from his past, the lovely missing persons investigator Lexie, it’s clear that Lexie’s search for a missing teen has put her in danger from the same criminals he’s after. When their ferry to Newfoundland becomes icebound, they’re trapped at sea with their lives—and love—on the line. Oooh! Q: Where did you get your inspiration for FATAL FREEZE? A: I grew up in the Maritimes, and I wanted to set the book somewhere on the Canadian east coast. Almost every year there are at least a few ferries travelling to and from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland that get trapped in sea ice—for anywhere from a few hours up to a few days—and after reading a news story about one of these events, inspiration struck! Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: I hope my readers are entertained and close the last page with a warm, fuzzy feeling… but I also hope that they take to heart the message about human trafficking, even as softened as it is for this particular book. The missing girl, Maria, could be any one of the 30 million people currently trapped in modern-day slavery. It would be wonderful if my story helped to open some discussions, maybe help readers to think a little more about this issue. But ultimately I really do just hope they remember that they enjoyed the story and want to read more of my books! Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: It’s actually probably the scene where the villain gets his comeuppance… I don’t want to spoil it for you, though! I’ll just say that the scene came to me very clearly shortly after I started writing, playing out in my head like something out of a movie. I hope I did it justice! Q: What inspires you to write? A: That’s a hard question. I’m not sure there’s anything specific that inspires me to write, it’s more a case of being taken by an idea or character that demands to be written. There’s also deadlines. Those are very inspiring! Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: I don’t think it has differed at all, to be honest! I realize that might be weird to say for a debut author, but I spent some time as a flash editor on a few e-zines before becoming a published novelist and got a very small taste of the other side of the process that way. I think it gave me realistic expectations for a debut in this genre. If anything, there has actually been more support from my editors and publisher than I expected. That’s a very good thing! Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Don’t gauge your success by the success of others. Time and time again, I see new writers getting discouraged because their writing isn’t working out the way they thought it would or they’re not getting the big offers they’d hoped for. Number one, you need to finish a book first. Number two, you need to recognize that we each forge our own path in this business. Enjoy the journey! And then go read Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art” before you write another word. Take it to heart. You won’t regret it, I promise! Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: Sure! I recently handed in another manuscript to my editor, so I’m actually planning out another book while I wait to hear back. I have a giant pile of books next to my computer to help out with that—non-fiction on the FBI, human tracking, British Intelligence, and oddly enough, a tell-all from a former concierge. Like I said… planning stages! Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A: I have a lot of varied interests—I get restless!—so it really depends on the day. Sometimes I take Indian cooking classes with my mother, sometimes I head to the local zoo and chat with the parrots (other days I stay home and play with my own!), I might take in a National Theatre Live broadcast at the local cinema, or binge-watch seasons of BONES or WHITE COLLAR on Netflix. Most often, however, I can be found lying on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: I’m most often on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/_MichelleKarl_), but you can also find me at my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/MichelleKarlAuthor) and website (http://www.michellekarl.com). Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: Thank you so much for having me! |
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When she’s not reading and consuming copious amounts of coffee, she writes the stories she’d like to find in her ‘to be read’ pile. She also loves animals, world music, and eating the last piece of cheesecake.

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