Joanie Bruce interview with Susan Sleeman
January 18, 2016
A: My husband and I own a beef farm about an hour from Atlanta, Georgia, and we’ve been married for thirty-six years. We have three children, two girls and a boy, and one grandson. I’m also a portrait artist and teach drawing and painting lessons here in the small town of Madison. I was raised in the big city but love painting, writing and living out in the country. I started writing many years ago for fun, but when I read my first Christian suspense book, I was hooked. Immediately, my first attempt at writing suspense was born. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A: As far back as I can remember I’ve always wanted to create a good story, and getting it published was a challenge my competitive spirit couldn’t ignore. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A: After homeschooling all of my children, I had more time on my hands than I needed, so I began studying the art of writing. After polishing and editing one of the stories I had written years ago, I submitted it to The Writer’s Edge, an on-line company which accepts and reviews qualifying manuscripts. After acceptance, the manuscript is included in a periodic report The Writer’s Edge sends to a long list of publishers. Once the report was distributed, I received eight offers for a book contract. Ambassador International was the publisher I felt a peace about choosing, and I’ve enjoyed working with them through the publishing of my first two books. I think the career highlight of most authors is the first time they actually see their name on the front of a printed book. Without a doubt, that is mine as well.
A: Marti Rushing, the main character in the story, is being threatened. If she returns to Texas, her life is in danger. But when she receives a letter telling her that Daniel, her ex-husband and the love of her life, is dying, she knows she has to defy the stalker and return to Texas to see him. Three years ago, Daniel accused her of things she couldn’t remember doing. Without waiting for an explanation and after four wonderful years of marriage, Daniel kicks her off of his family’s Quarter Horse ranch. Now, three years after their separation, he walks into her art reception in Tennessee and acts like he doesn’t remember her. Does the memory loss have anything to do with the letter she received, or is Daniel pretending? Is he the one stalking her, or is it someone with a deadly, sinister motive? Ignoring the deadly warnings, she leaves for Texas, but on the way there, the attempts on her life begin. Will she be able to evade her pursuer s attacks? Or will Daniel’s face be the last one she sees? You’ll have to read the book to find out. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for “A Memory Worth Dying For?” A: I read a book when I was a teenager ago about a woman who was scorned by her husband for something she didn’t do. I thought this situation would make a perfect opportunity for a story of redemption and forgiveness. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: Honest communication is imperative in a marriage, and forgiveness, although hard, can be achieved with God’s help. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: The scene where Daniel and Marti “make-up” and decide they still have a future together. Q: What inspires you to write? A: Receiving emails and cards from my readers who are begging me for another book always makes me happy and encourages me to work harder at writing. But mostly, I love writing because I enjoy seeing a single idea turn into an interesting and satisfying story. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: I didn’t realize how many talented and friendly authors I would meet as a result of publishing a book. It has been a wonderful experience getting to know other authors and learning from their experiences. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Write every day, and don’t give up. Study your craft: Read books about writing that will help you improve, and accept criticism with grace; If you listen, you learn. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: I’m currently writing the first book in a series about my small but well-known town of Madison, Georgia. Like my first two books, this is a Christian Suspense/Romance novel about a woman running away from an impossible situation and from someone in her past who doesn’t want her to have a future. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A : Of course, I love reading, but I also enjoy painting portraits, crocheting, knitting, tatting, and taking long walks on our farm. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: My website:; Email:; Facebook: @joaniebruceauthor; Twitter: @joaniebruce’ Goodreads: Joanie Bruce Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: I’d like to thank all the other Christian authors in the Christian fiction field who keep the world supplied with good, clean books to read, and also all of our readers who buy our books and keep us inspired to share our God-given abilities. |
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Joanie has a BS degree in Elementary Education and taught first grade for two years. After the last year of teaching, she married her husband, Ben and for thirty-six years has lived in a country home near Madison, Georgia. During the first thirty-three years of their marriage, Ben and Joanie operated a dairy farm. Then in 2012 they sold the Holstein dairy cows and built up a herd of Black Angus beef cattle. In their country home, they raised and homeschooled their three children, two girls and a boy. Joanie enjoys cooking, taking long walks, painting oil portraits, and caring for their home. She also enjoys babysitting and playing with her first grandson.
Her first book, “Alana Candler, Marked for Murder,” was published in 2013, and her second book, “A Memory Worth Dying For” was published in 2014. She is currently writing a three-book series located in the small town of Madison, Georgia.
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