Linda J. White interview with Susan Sleeman
May 16, 2016
A: I began writing novels 23 years ago, when I was a stay-at-home mom. When our second child was ready to go to college, I needed a job and became the assistant editorial page editor for our local newspaper. It seems whatever I do ends in writing! Q: Do you write in only one genre and if so which one and why? If not, which ones and why? A: I only write mystery/suspense, specifically FBI thrillers. My husband made training films for the FBI, so I had access to good information about the workings of the Bureau. Plus, I love reading mystery/suspense, so writing it is a good fit. Q: How does your faith play into your writing? A: At some point, we all grapple with the big questions of life: Why did God allow X to happen? Where is God? Does He care? Why do bad things happen? What does it mean to be good? My characters struggle with these questions, too, and my prayer is that their situations will inform and encourage my readers regarding the nature of God, and specifically, His love and sovereign grace. Q: How do you choose your settings for your books? A: Oh, I am a homebody! I have lived my entire life, except for three years in California, in the Mid-Atlantic region. So my books are set here, too. My most exotic location is Chincoteague Island, Virginia, the setting for “Seeds of Evidence.” My grandparents lived there when I was a kid and it is a favorite vacation spot. Q: Do you base your characters on people you know or are they totally made up? A: One character, Aunt Trudy in “Bloody Point,” is based (with permission!) on a real person, an amazing woman I met at a writers conference. Otherwise, they are all constructed of bits and pieces of people I know. And sometimes, they surprise me by taking off on their own. I love it when that happens!
A: Tiger was actually the first book I write, back in 1993. After being rejected by almost everyone, last year I decided to revise it and publish it myself. Why? Because after all these years, the story would not let go of me. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story? A: Through my husband’s job, I’d known a lot of FBI agents who were in-control type of people, which made me wonder, what would happen if one’s life suddenly spun very out of control? What would he do? And the story was born … Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: God is with you in your tiger’s cage, whatever that may be—a difficult marriage, a job loss, the death of a loved one, an illness or some other terrible circumstance. God is there. Trust Him. Q: Tell us what you like about the main characters of this book. A: Tom Donovan is passionate, strong, courageous, and clueless: As competent as he is in his job, he has no idea how to reach his wife, whom he loves. His son Kenny is also passionate and strong, but he’s just a kid, and a baby Christian, in a horrible circumstance and now must find his way through it. Cathy, Tom’s wife, is overwhelmed, lost and confused about her place in the world. And Jack? Tom’s best friend is steady, funny, and solid as the mountains he grew up on. Together they make quite a cast! Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: I’m working on a series involving a female FBI agent with a search and recovery dog. Q: If money were no object what vacation would you like to take and why? A: Ha! I said I’m a homebody: I’d rent a house at Chincoteague for a month, enjoy the beach, enjoy the town, and watch birds. If pushed, however, to broaden my horizons I’d go to Ireland and Scotland, where my ancestors originated. Q: What is the silliest thing you have ever done? A: When my husband and I were first married, we lived near the Washington zoo. We’d go there after work and enjoy the animals. One evening, we got locked in! The hours had changed and we didn’t notice. When we couldn’t find anyone to help us, we ended up climbing a tree and crawling out on a sturdy branch to get out over a fence. It was quite an adventure! Q: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? A: Honestly, I think staying married for 45 years is the hardest thing—and I think my husband would agree! So much “dying to self” is required. And he’s been battling lung cancer for the last seven and a half years. So yes, a marriage is the most rewarding thing—and the most difficult. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: My website: Facebook: Twitter: @rytn4hm Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: My goal is to produce “up all night” reading, books that capture readers’ imaginations and explore faith issues without being preachy. According to feedback I’ve been getting, I’ve been doing just that. I’d invite your readers to try one and let me know what they think!
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Linda J. White writes FBI thrillers from her home in rural Virginia. Her husband, Larry, was a video producer/director at the FBI Academy for over 27 years. She has received much help from current and former FBI agents in researching her books.
A “hybrid” author of five novels, Linda’s books have won the HOLT Medallion, HOLT Award of Merit, and have twice been finalists for the RWA National Readers Choice Award. She loves exploring the deep issues of faith—Where is God? Why did he allow this? How can I find hope?—through the mystery/suspense genre.
Mother of three grown children, Linda is also a national-award winning journalist, a Bible study teacher, and a speaker. When she’s not writing, she can be found playing with Keira, her Sheltie, reading a book, or dreaming of the beach. She is represented by Janet Grant of Books & Such Literary Management.

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