Gayla K. Hiss interview with Susan Sleeman
February 20, 2017
A: After working as a software engineer for several large companies, I followed my dream of writing novels. For fun, my husband and I enjoy traveling and camping in our RV. In fact, we made two cross-country road trips last year from Washington State to Florida and back. It was interesting writing on my laptop while riding in our truck for long stretches of time, as well as writing at the beach or in a hotel. After that experience, I could probably write just about anywhere. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A: I think the writer has always been in me, but I was a late-bloomer. As a child, I wanted to be an artist and an architect. Later, I started writing and journaling as a way to unwind from work and discovered that the pictures I visualized were really scenes from a story rather than a potential painting. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A: For years, I worked in information technology and wrote numerous technical documents. Unlike most engineers, I actually enjoyed documenting things. I think that’s helped me with my writing because I like studying something complicated and then writing about it in a way that others can understand. Also, having to write so much forced me to be disciplined in order to produce even when I didn’t feel like it or when the subject wasn’t very interesting to me. After finaling in the Daphne du Maurier contest and the Pacific Northwest Writers Association literary contest, I had numerous setbacks and disappointments in my publishing pursuits and began to doubt that I would ever be published. Realizing that landing a publishing contract was really beyond my control, I decided I should instead focus my energies on learning the craft of writing, so I joined a critique group, read numerous books on writing, attended conferences, etc. Most importantly, I turned over my publishing aspirations to God. Without the pressure of being published, I rediscovered the joy of writing. Then, attending a writers’ conference last May, I “happened” to meet my current publisher. She asked about my books, and shortly thereafter I was offered a publishing contract.
A: Avalanche is book 1 in a 4-book series set in the national parks of North America, and just released Feb. 1st. All the books in the series are inspirational contemporary romance with suspense/mystery elements. Avalanche takes place in North Cascades National Park. When Park Ranger Jenny Snowfeather runs into Deputy Marshal Chase Matthews at her brother’s Fourth of July barbecue, she suspects there is more going on in Eagle Valley, WA than fireworks. As she joins Chase on a manhunt in the rugged backcountry of North Cascades National Park, Jenny is confronted with her past mistakes. But she soon discovers the greatest threat of all is losing her heart to Chase, who is obsessed with capturing the fugitive at all costs. Risking everything to help Chase find the man who could kill them both, Jenny’s faith is put to the test. One step in the wrong direction could mean the difference between life and death. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Avalanche? A: One summer, while hiking in the Cascade Mountains, I noticed the trails closed due to the avalanche danger. At that time, I didn’t know avalanches could occur in summer months, and the idea intrigued me. I chose North Cascades National Park for the setting because it is the perfect place for a wilderness adventure. Its spectacular mountain scenery and rugged backcountry are a hiker’s dream, but there are a few hazards too. Naturally, the heroine had to be a park ranger, and she’s of Native American descent so her roots go deep into the Cascades where her ancestors were from. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: That true justice and freedom come from God. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: After the hero and heroine have hiked Sahale Arm in Cascade Pass, they look in awe at the spectacular mountains surrounding them and try to imagine a heaven that’s even more beautiful. Having hiked many trails with breathtaking views, I can visualize it so well as if I’m there with them. It’s a scene that has stayed with me. Q: What inspires you to write? A: It usually starts with two things: a beautiful location, and a person(s) with interesting circumstances. Sometimes the location drives the person’s circumstances or vice versa. A song often will inspire a scene in my imagination. By writing these stories, I get to re-experience the wonderful settings over and over. When I read my books after a period of time, it’s like coming home. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: There is so much more involved than actually writing, especially with the publication and promotion of the book. I’m glad I worked 22 years in another profession first because it helped me prepare for the business side of writing and gave me some perspective. I think if I hadn’t had that experience it would be much more challenging. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Go to as many writers’ conferences, writers’ organizations and critique groups as you can. It so important to network and learn from other writers. As I mentioned before, I met my publisher at a writers’ conference. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: Book 2 of the Peril in the Park series, which is set in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A: Camping in our RV, hiking, traveling, attending music concerts, watching movies. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? Facebook: Goodreads: Amazon Author Page: LinkedIn: Pinterest: My website is: Avalanche can be purchased at: Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A; My books blend romance and suspense with outdoor adventure. A common theme in my stories is getting back to the simple things in life like faith, family, and the land. I feel like we’ve become so busy and distracted we’ve lost touch with those three basic things. We are so blessed to have our state and national park system. I want future generations to value and enjoy them too. |
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Gayla’s writing journey began with her hobby painting landscapes. In her imagination, characters and scenes came to life as she painted beautiful natural settings. Her inspiring novels combine her love for the great outdoors with romance, suspense, and mystery. Gayla and her husband often tour the country in their RV, visiting many state and national parks. She enjoys hiking, camping, and traveling, and lives in the Pacific Northwest. She’s excited to announce the release of WILDFIRE, book 3 in her Peril in the Park series, which can be purchased on Amazon at:
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