John J. Zelenski interview with Susan Sleeman
December 03, 2018
Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break?
Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Walker’s Vale? Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself. A: My name is John J. Zelenski and I live in the beautiful Northeastern part of Pennsylvania where I get to watch each season unfold in their full, respective beauty. Besides writing, I enjoy spending time with my family outdoors, collecting sports memorabilia, and watching suspense / thriller films. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A: I think I realized I wanted to be a writer once my first book was published. I just sat at my computer one day and let this story flow from my deepest feelings. The awareness of having my very thoughts and images captured for all to read was an exhilarating moment for me. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A: My first time with a publisher was working with a now defunct hybrid model. I was young to the publishing business and naïve in a lot of ways, but quickly found that whether you write in the secular or faith-based arena, the bottom line is sales. After that particular company folded, I found a really unique, traditional publisher, Peasantry Press, which places more emphasis on the story and the meaning and passion behind the author than the big sales tally. Q: Would you tell us about your current book release, Walker’s Vale? A: Walker’s Vale is a story of faith, deception, suspense, and the supernatural, as noted by my readers. It has also caused more than one person to sleep with the lights on immediately after reading, according to some of my followers. I however, would personally describe Walker’s Vale as a story of new beginnings. I can sum it up by saying that what the enemy has meant for his purposes, God can take that situation and use it for his glory. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Walker’s Vale? A: Walker’s Vale was in part inspired by my own supernatural experiences as a child. When my family moved into out then new home, a series of strange events unfolded, one in which I remember quite vividly. Since then, I have always been fascinated by the unseen realm of angles and demons and how each side plays a part in our lives. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: I would hope that readers would remember the unique characters and how things are not always as they at first appear to be. Sometimes the good guys wear black and that an angel of light may not necessarily be very illuminating. Q: What inspires you to write? A: I think my passion to tell a good story is inspiration. My desire to share God’s truth also plays a very big part in why I love to write. Together, I believe those paths ultimately form what is a bridge to cross over any doubt or resistance I may come across. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: My second book, The Journal of Ezekiel Walker (Peasantry Press) will be re-released in the spring of 2019. It tells the origin and history of the town of Walker’s Vale and gives an in-depth insight into the mind of main protagonist, Ezekiel Walker. Besides that, I am about half-way through writing my current novel, tentatively titled, The Third Chamber. This is a bit different than my past two books, and touches on when exactly does salvation begin – with a suspenseful, supernatural twist of course. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I’m always ready for a good movie or to spend some time in nature. Having the right people with you never hurts! Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? |
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When John and his family moved to their new home in 1977, a series of strange and otherworldly events followed their arrival. Only after two ministers performed a cleansing in each of the rooms of the home, did the paranormal activities cease. Having seen firsthand that there is more to life than meets the physical eye, John started a lifelong journey of research and dedication toward understanding the supernatural. John states, “The supernatural is usually thought of in terms like ghosts, and goblins, but in all actuality, the supernatural simply means that which cannot be explained by natural forces or laws. This can mean evil manifestations yes, but also miracles, supernatural blessings, and divine providence.”
Taking this knowledge and blending it with his passion for storytelling, John’s first work was the award-winning novel, Walker’s Vale. Combining elements of his own experiences with a natural flair for descriptive writing, Walker’s Vale has been released in two editions to fabulous reviews of critics, comparing the storytelling to that of Ted Dekker and Frank Perietti.
Johns’ follow-up to Walker’s Vale was another award-winning effort titled, The Journal of Ezekiel Walker. This novel and prequel to Walker’s Vale, retells the eerie history of the small, fictional town of Walker’s Vale, Pennsylvania. John states, “It was a great honor and pleasure to have The Journal of Ezekiel Walker endorsed by friend and Christian music legend, Les Carlsen of Bloodgood.”
John’s writing accomplishments include being selected as one of the Fifty Great Writers You Should Be Reading, The Spirt-Filled Recognition of Achievement, Five Star Seal from Reader’s Favorite, and placing within the final Top Ten of the 2018 Author Academy Awards. Other short stories by John have appeared on The Untold Podcast and in Hello Horror Literary Journal. John is also an active member of the Horror Writers Association.
John has appeared on television, radio, print, and in public speaking events to tell his story.
When not writing, John enjoys spending time with his family, collecting sports memorabilia, and playing bass guitar.
His motto resides in the words of one of his favorite characters in Walker’s Vale in that, “Not everything in this life can be explained.”

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