Q: Let me start with asking you to tell us a little bit about yourself.
A: I live near the ocean in the northeastern United States, have been married since 2002, and my husband and I likely watch too many restaurant makeover TV shows because any new local eatery is in danger of getting our mental thumbs up/thumbs down with each plate the waiter delivers to our table!
I am the author of “fiction that feeds your faith” – Happily-Ever-After romance & romantic suspense stories with a Christian world view.
Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
A: It was a proud moment when I held my first official child library card in my chubby fist. I checked out a dozen titles at a time and would plow through them all within days. As I rapidly grew from picture books to escaping into page upon page of mystery, adventure, biography and detective stories, I never wanted to surface back into real life. I yearned to provide that same experience for others by becoming a writer.
Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break?
A: While in high school and college I trained as a cub reporter for the school newspaper. I was then hired as senior staff writer for a mid-sized newspaper and covered human interest features, fast-breaking news and wrote a weekly humor column. During my tenure I was fortunate to win several press awards.
Q: Would you tell us about your current book release WAR OF THE HEART?
A: When a vintage snow globe sends Boston dress designer Louise Martin & British B&B owner George Walker back in time to London, December 1940, they race against the clock to reconcile a feud between their families and solve a 75-year-old mystery. As Louise relies on God; and on George for guidance, friendship, then love, will the future George envisions strangle her own dreams? Will their love survive generations of mistrust, the Blitz and being stranded in wartime 1940, possibly never to return to their former lives?
Q: Where did you get your inspiration for WAR OF THE HEART?
A:I have been an anglophile since I was a teen. I adore watching, or reading about, anything British—from royalty to hedgehogs. My favorite categories of suspense as a reader are British police procedurals and cozy village mysteries. When I was asked to select a time frame and location for this novella I immediately selected London in wartime 1940.
Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story?
A: How, despite unbearable circumstances and hardships, the British people persevered with enduring resilience and hope in their hearts during a special holiday season dubbed "Blitzmas."
Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book?
A: After revealing the true thief's identity to George's great-grandfather, Louise and George try to return "back to the future" in the same way they arrived in 1940 originally. It doesn't exactly go as planned. I had a lot of fun writing that scene.
Q: What inspires you to write?
A: As a metastatic breast cancer patient in continual chemo treatment, I want to leave a legacy that says "I was here, and I used the talent given to me by God."
Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession?
A: I did not realize how empowered I would feel, after finally typing "The End", signing a publishing contract and seeing the positive reviews after the book launch. Those little doubts inside that whispered 'perhaps I wasn't good enough' have been silenced. I still am improving as a writer—we hopefully get better with each book—but I have confidence now.
Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started?
A: Set aside a regular time for writing every day and own that time. Guard it fiercely. If you only are able to write ten words in that time, that's fine. Go back the next day and try again.
Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now?
A: I recently signed contracts for five novellas with Forget Me Not Romances for 2017. Titles are LOVE AMONG THE LILACS (June), GEMSTONE MOUNTAIN ROMANCE (June), WILDERNESS WEDDING, (July), HER HIDDEN HEARTBREAK and THE HOUSEKEEPER’S HEART (both September). All contain elements of mystery, suspense and romance.
Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do?
A: I am limited due to chemo side effects, but for the first time I started a small perennial flower garden patch and am combing catalogues for more colorful plants to order. I am addicted to BBC mysteries (Inspector Morse, Foyle's War, Endeavour, and Inspector Lewis are current favorites) and have an all-region DVD player on order to watch suspense shows exclusive to the UK market. (Amazon.co.uk is a wonderful thing!)
Q: Where can readers find you on the internet?
A: Twitter www.twitter.com/jennavictori
Facebook www.facebook.com/jennavictoriaauthor/
Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/author/jennavictoria/
Book Review Blog http://www.jennavictoria.com/category/on-jennas-shelf-reviews/
Instagram www.instagram.com/jenna_victoria_author/
Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us?
A: You can find my book at eBook: http://www.goo.gl/wflaLA
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