Laura Scott interview with Susan Sleeman
April 21, 2013
A. My name is Laura Scott and I live in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin with my husband of 28 years. We have two adult children, Nicole and Jonathan. I have been truly blessed with a wonderful family. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. Like so many authors, I began writing as a young child because I ran out of books to read. I wrote my first teen suspense when I was 13 on a typewriter no less. It was terrible, but thankfully I learned to hone my craft. I became a nurse (because my father said I’d always have a job and he was right) met my husband, married him, had two children and then went back to school for my Master’s degree in Business before I decided to go back to writing. Once I was finished with school I felt as if I had extra time on my hands. I joined RWA and the Wisconsin RWA chapter which helped me find many writer friends. I’m thrilled to be able to write stories that readers enjoy. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. I sold my first book in 2003 a medical romance to Mills and Boon. I went to RWA in New York and met with an editor out of Richmond England. They were looking for American authors for the medical romance line. I told her I was a nurse and that I had a romance with a nurse and a cop but there was a bit of suspense too. She told me that sounded great but they didn’t publish suspense types of books, so I told her I could take the suspense out and put more romance in. She told me to send her the complete manuscript, so I did. I was totally surprised when she called me from England four months later to offer me a contract. I have over thirty published books but I will say that I enjoy writing my Love Inspired Suspense books the most and I’m planning on writing only Love Inspired books from here on.
A: I introduced my Texas FBI Agent Logan Quail in my previous book Twin Peril along with Kate Townsend and I just knew I’d have to give them their own story. Here’s the back cover blurb: FBI agent Logan Quail puts his life and career in jeopardy when he blows his cover to save Kate Townsend from a mafia goon. He wasn’t able to save his fiancée from Bernardo Salvatore’s violent syndicate, but this time he’ll make sure that Kate Townsend doesn’t get herself killed trying to prove her father was murdered. Now Logan and Kate must work together, each overcoming their separate grief, to bring down a ruthless mob boss. And maybe find some peace through the healing power of love. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for Undercover Cowboy? A: As I mentioned earlier, Logan and Kate were secondary characters from Twin Peril and I wanted to give them their own story. I really enjoy writing linked books and so far, it seems like my readers like them too. Plus I loved the idea of having a Texas FBI agent stuck in the Windy City of Chicago. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: In this story, Logan has to rediscover his faith and learn how to forgive himself for his past mistakes. Kate has some faith, but she must learn that she isn’t defined by her career. I think forgiving others at times is much easier than forgiving ourselves. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: I really enjoyed writing the opening scene where Logan has to blow his cover to save Kate’s life. But the ending is also my favorite, as there’s nothing more fun than watching two people fall in love. Q: What inspires you to write? A. God inspires me for sure. And just when I think I don’t have any new ideas to write about something will pop into my mind. I also love adding in secondary characters, throwing in some tidbits that I hope will inspire me as I think about writing their story. But honestly, I just can’t seem to not write. Even when I’m taking a break, I will find myself thinking of a new story line. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: Writing is hard work and I don’t think I realized just how hard it would be until I had deadlines to meet. When you’re writing for yourself, it’s easy to get distracted. But when you have a deadline and an editor waiting for your book, you have to write even when you don’t feel like it. That’s the hard part. Also, over time I’ve learned some interesting things about myself as a writer. For example, I love starting new books, but honestly, by the time I’m near the end, I’m really tired of the story and the characters. Finishing a book is really hard work. I’m always looking forward to the next story. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: My advice is to keep on writing. As I mentioned before it’s easy to get distracted and to put off writing if you don’t have a deadline. But waiting for your muse isn’t going to get the book finished. I’m a firm believer that being determined and following through on goals is more than half the battle. I wrote seven books before I sold, and then figured out a way to use some of those previous ideas for newer and better stories. So don’t give up just because the first book doesn’t sell. Keep on trying. J Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’ve just finished Nick Butler’s story, he’s a character that I first introduced in Twin Peril but he plays a bigger role in Undercover Cowboy. Rachel Simon was also a secondary character in Twin Peril. Her role was very minor, but I wanted to bring her back as she’s a single mom who managed to escape from her abusive ex-husband. As I wrote Undercover Cowboy I thought she was a perfect match for Nick Butler. So I wrote their story, although it takes them a while to realize how right they are for each other. Nick and Rachel’s story: Her Mistletoe Protector will be a November 2013 release. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I still love to read, and I very much enjoy spending time with my family. I love seeing musical plays too, my daughter is taking me to Footloose! I also try to find time to exercise, signing up for sprint triathlons is a good way to force me to swim, bike and run. There’s that deadline motivation again. J Between work, family, writing and exercise I don’t have too much time for anything else. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. I have a website and I have a Laura Scott Facebook page and I’m on twitter @laurascottbooks. I’m not the best at keeping up with social media but I try. I do love hearing from my readers and they mostly contact me through my website. Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. I think you know my entire life story, LOL. But I want to thank you Suspense Zone for giving me the opportunity to share this interview.
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