Linda J. White interview with Susan Sleeman
April 06, 2014
A. I live in rural Virginia, not far from the FBI Academy, where my husband worked for 27 years. I was a stay-at-home mom for much of my adult life, but when our second child (we have three) was ready to go to college, I took a job writing for our local newspaper. I was an editorial writer and columnist for over a dozen years. Recently, I retired. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. When our youngest went off to kindergarten, I asked God what He wanted me to do with the rest of my life. Honestly, I felt that writing was the direction in which He pushed me. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. I began writing as a volunteer, doing preschool newsletters and all kinds of things for church, including writing a play for a major production. My first paid work was an article for The Lookout, a Sunday School take-home paper. All this time I was honing my craft, trying to use the gift God had given me. My first break as a novelist came at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference, where an editor took a look at my manuscript, and loved it. Q: Would you tell us about your current book release, “Words of Conviction”? A: First, FBI Special Agent Mackenzie Graham arrests Senator Bruce Grable for influence peddling. Then, she becomes his best chance for getting his kidnapped five-year-old daughter back alive. Kenzie is a forensic psycholinguist, and her expertise in studying the words criminals use becomes crucial to the case. The presence of an interesting Navajo agent, John Crowfeather, adds some spice to the story
A: One of my close friends was the Bureau’s only real-life forensic psycholinguist (she’s now retired). Her studies in word usage, syntax, threat assessment, and detection of deception were fascinating to me. She very generously and freely shared her expertise. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: That God is in control, even when things seem very, very out-of-control. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: Kenzie and Crow do this dance around the attraction they feel for each other while caught up in this intense case. They each try to deny it. Kenzie finally calls Crow’s bluff—by analyzing his words! Q: What inspires you to write? A. I believe story is a powerful way to express truth. And there is no greater truth than the glory of God, the love of God, the mercy of God, the reality of God. I love weaving that truth naturally into mystery/suspense. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: Everyone told me that things would be much easier after my first novel was published. Not so; not for me, anyway. “Bloody Point” came out in 2005, but it took me some time to nail that next contract. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Continue to hold this career in an open hand, constantly seeking God’s will in the matter. Don’t allow it to become an idol. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I have several projects in the hopper. One is a re-creation of the 2002 D.C. Sniper case, with which we had a lot of personal contact. Another is a revision of my very first manuscript, an intense story about a self-sufficient FBI agent whose life sudden spins out of control. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. Playing with grandchildren (I have two!) and anything with dogs. Our current pooch is a Sheltie named Keira who likes to do rally obedience. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet?
Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33). That’s been my theme for these last 20 years. Keep your priorities straight: Seek God, and everything that He desires for your life will come about.
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Linda J. White writes FBI thrillers from her home in rural Virginia. Her husband, Larry, was a video producer/director at the FBI Academy for over 27 years. She has received much help from current and former FBI agents in researching her books.
A “hybrid” author of five novels, Linda’s books have won the HOLT Medallion, HOLT Award of Merit, and have twice been finalists for the RWA National Readers Choice Award. She loves exploring the deep issues of faith—Where is God? Why did he allow this? How can I find hope?—through the mystery/suspense genre.
Mother of three grown children, Linda is also a national-award winning journalist, a Bible study teacher, and a speaker. When she’s not writing, she can be found playing with Keira, her Sheltie, reading a book, or dreaming of the beach. She is represented by Janet Grant of Books & Such Literary Management.

I enjoyed the interview with Linda White and agree with her philosophy on life that God is in control!! Enjoyed hearing about your children and your dog that sounds adorable! I do not have any of your work but after the interview and the review of “Words of Conviction”, I certainly would love to read it, and would be delighted to be one of your winners in the giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to enter and may God continue His Blessings on you.
Thanks for the interview. I’ve enjoyed Ms. White’s books and wasn’t aware there was a new one coming out.