Lisa Phillips interview with Susan Sleeman
May 11, 2014
A. Well, you can’t tell from a type font…but I have an accent. I grew up an hour outside of London, and lived there until I went to Bible College in California. My family is all scattered around the south east of England. I met my husband at Bible College, and we moved to Idaho after we got married. We have two kids with mostly-American accents, and my husband and I lead worship together at our church. I have three books out now – Target (a prequel story), Bait – a full-length romantic thriller, and Double Agent, which is a Love Inspired Suspense title. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. I honestly had no idea I had any particular skill in English (aside from my accent), until at my Bible College graduation the director said, “This is Lisa, she’s a writer.” I was like, “I am?” After that I decided to explore the idea, since I was waiting on my employment authorization card, and took some courses with the Christian Writers Guild. It’s been quite a journey up to now! Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. I think from the beginning I knew I was going to write romantic suspense, since that’s my favorite genre to read. I submitted on three separate occasions to Love Inspired Suspense and got progressively more interested responses, but they were still basically “keep trying, you’re not there yet”. It was summer 2012 when Emily Rodmell held a Speed Date pitch where she requested the full manuscript for what would become Double Agent, my first traditionally published book.
A. Here’s my original pitch from the Speed Date: Sabine Fraternau, CIA agent, is on the hunt for her brother’s killer. When the Delta Force soldier she loves barges in, the mission goes from bad…to busted. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for DOUBLE AGENT? A. Originally it was the picture of a lone soldier on a boat in a harbor somewhere, spying on a “meet” between some bad guys. He’s drawn into the life of a woman on the run after he witnesses her brother’s death. Some of those elements are still there, in Double Agent, but I think it was that core of “grieving woman on the run” vs. “soldier who needs her help to get his answers” that stuck with me. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A. Primarily, I think it’s the fact that whatever was in your past, don’t let that hold you back from where God wants to take you TODAY. We let the things we’ve done or the things that were done to us define us, but God wants to wash all that away and do a NEW thing. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A. Well, I’d like to be deep and meaningful some more, but my favorite scene is in this cafe in the Dominican Republic. The heroine goes to the bathroom and changes out of what she was wearing into this disguise, since the bad guy’s goons are after them. Then she eats this burrito (extra hot sauce) that the hero ordered for her and while he’s in the bathroom…she ditches him and goes home. CIA agents are sneaky like that. Some characters are really fun to write! Q: What inspires you to write? A. Probably a love of entertainment that also has the power to uplift and enrich people spiritually, since that’s what I love about the books I read. They’re thrilling and funny, but there’s a takeaway if you allow God to plant that word in your heart. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A. So much fun! It’s still hard work, and you have to write on those days when you don’t “feel” it. And for the record, I still don’t like editing. But I’m having a blast being able to do what I love and still meet my oldest at the bus stop every day. I love it that my books are up on Amazon, and that they’re doing well. There’s nothing like seeing a cover with your name on it next to a Lynette Eason or a Dee Henderson book. After the “waiting” years of despairing that your writing sucks…oh, wait, that still happens now! Yes, even though people are reading it and seem to enjoy my writing. But for the sake of having a paper copy on my bookshelf at home, there’s nothing like that. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A. Stick with it and DO NOT give up. I sold this book because I knew I wanted to write Love Inspired Suspense so I kept reading LIS books, and writing new stories, and submitting them, and finally got a contract. It’s so worth it to experience that feeling. And not just because I’m a needy writer who needs to feel validated—even if that is nice. Find people local to you who are like minded who will pray with you, encourage you, and read your books with a sharp eye so they can be better even when you thought they were fine already. I love my critique group. They are my editors and cheerleaders, and one is the cover designer for my self-published novels—and she also makes REALLY GOOD bread pudding. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m working on a series of full length mysteries set in a secret WITSEC town that isn’t on any map. The first is out June 31st and it’s called Sanctuary Lost: U.S. Marshal John Mason gains full custody of his son and is transferred to Sanctuary, a WITSEC town that isn’t on any map. When the town’s first ever murder occurs, John’s plans to reconnect with his boy are derailed by the investigation. Andra Caleri gave up her old life a long time ago, but someone wants her out of Sanctuary–to pay. As accusations fly and John uncovers a conspiracy that stretches all the way to Washington, Andra’s past comes back in a true test of the mercy she received. Can John give up what he wants the most to bring the truth to light? I’m writing book 2 right now, which will be out in October, and I am absolutely in love with this hidden town and the colorful people who live there. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. I lead worship at church with my husband, with our women’s ministry and for my local ACFW chapter, Idahope Writers. So I’m usually practicing guitar and putting together worship sets. I love the way music can touch our emotions, because it’s a lot like the way I experience the message of a good book. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. My website is at I’m also on Facebook and Twitter @lisaphillipsbks Readers can also email me at lisaphillipsbks(at)gmail(dot)com Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. Thank you for having me! My ebook Target (the prequel to my novel Bait) is free today, so stop by Amazon and pick up a copy: |
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A British ex-pat who grew up an hour outside of London, Lisa attended Calvary Chapel Bible College where she met her husband. He’s from California, but nobody’s perfect. It wasn’t until her Bible College graduation that she figured out she was a writer (someone told her). Since then she’s discovered a penchant for high-stakes stories of mayhem and disaster where you can find made-for-each-other love that always ends in happily ever after.
Lisa can be found in Idaho wearing either flip-flops or cowgirl boots, depending on the season. She leads worship with her husband at their local church. Together they have two children–a sparkly Little Princess and a Mini Daddy–and an all-black Airedale known as The Dark Lord Elevator.

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