Lisa Phillips interview with Susan Sleeman
September 01, 2014
A. I’ve been writing nearly ten years now, but before that I did just about every office job imaginable. I’m a wiz at filing! If my writing career ever wanes, my dream job is working in Barnes and Noble, but mostly only so I can get the staff discount Q: Do you write in only one genre and if so which one and why? If not, which ones and why? A. I write romantic suspense for the Christian market because it’s my favorite genre to read. I love sigh-worthy danger that is uplifting and doesn’t gross you out. Later on I may side-trip into speculative (sci-fi) or supernatural suspense, possibly under a pen name. But that’s only an idea right now. Q: How does your faith play into your writing? A. Tremendously. If my Christian walk is a journey wherein I am fully yielded to His lordship over my life, then my writing falls under this heading just as the rest of my life does. It’s a work in progress, just like each book I write, but I’m enjoying the journey as I grow in Him. Q: How do you choose your settings for your books? A. They’re usually places I’ve visited, or lived in. One day I’ll have to write a book set in Hawaii, just so I can suffer through the research trip. *grins* Q: Do you base your characters on people you know or are they totally made up? A. Usually they’re completely made up, but they have elements of people I know. By the time the book is written, they sure feel like friends.
A. It’s a Love Inspired Suspense from Harlequin. The main character is Mackenzie, a former teen pop sensation in witness protection. The hero is a secondary character from my first LIS, Double Agent—delta force soldier Aaron Hanning. Mackenzie Winters spent years building a life in Witness Protection, but when someone shoots at her, she fears her cover has been blown. Could the brother of the drug lord she put away be here for revenge? Mackenzie must rely on her handler’s twin, world-weary Delta Force soldier Aaron Hanning, to protect her. Aaron doesn’t want to be anyone’s hero, but he can’t let this brave woman die. Now, with danger stalking them, they’ll have to make a daring choice that means life or death—for them both. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story? A. I loved the idea of a famous person in witness protection (something that birthed my full length WITSEC town series) and the fact that Mackenzie is “giving back” by running an inner-city performing arts center. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A. At the climax of the book, Mackenzie makes a huge sacrifice because she believes it to be the right thing to do. And that is what real love does – it’s not the emotional pleasure-seeking love we see bandied about all over the place these days. Real love gives of itself, for the benefit of someone else. Q: Tell us what you like about the main characters of this book. A. Mackenzie is strong, funny, and has a deep devotion to the Lord she feels she’s not worthy of. Aaron puts on a front in Double Agent, but in Star Witness he shows what happens after he’s messed up and live isn’t going the way he thought. Together they’re an explosive package. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m currently writing book 2 in my WITSEC town series, BURIED IN SANCTUARY which follows book 1, SANCTUARY LOST (out now). Buried is about a baker who testified against her mobster father and took her former starlet mom and little sister into witness protection. She stumbles upon a deep town secret that very well might cost her her life, while navigating a new relationship with a rancher who has a host of secrets of his own. Buried In Sanctuary will be coming late October/early November. Q: If money were no object what vacation would you like to take and why? A. I would go to the Maldives, tiny islands off the coast of India. They have cabins on stilts over the water, where you can look through the floor and see all the fish swimming. Paradise. Q: What is the silliest thing you have ever done? A. I honestly don’t know! I probably did some silly things in my younger days, but I’ll never tell… Q: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? A.Hmm… I would like to say “write a novel that works and people think is good”, but being a wife and mom are infinitely harder. But I think you get the most joy and satisfaction from not shying away from “hard” things. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. My website is where you can find out what’s “coming next” and sign up for my newsletter. Beginning September 2014, you’ll be able to find me with a group of other Christian romantic suspense authors over at “Team Love on the Run” on Facebook, Blogspot, Twitter and many other social media sites! If you love to read romantic suspense, then come by and check us out! Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. Thank you so much for inviting me over! I hope you enjoy my novels, and if anyone wants to ask me more questions, they can email lisaphillipsbks(at)gmail(dot)com God bless! |
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A British ex-pat who grew up an hour outside of London, Lisa attended Calvary Chapel Bible College where she met her husband. He’s from California, but nobody’s perfect. It wasn’t until her Bible College graduation that she figured out she was a writer (someone told her). Since then she’s discovered a penchant for high-stakes stories of mayhem and disaster where you can find made-for-each-other love that always ends in happily ever after.
Lisa can be found in Idaho wearing either flip-flops or cowgirl boots, depending on the season. She leads worship with her husband at their local church. Together they have two children–a sparkly Little Princess and a Mini Daddy–and an all-black Airedale known as The Dark Lord Elevator.

Hi Lisa!
I had to smile about working at Barnes & Noble, because that is totally something I would love to do! Think of all the books!
Can I go with you on your research trip to Hawaii? I’m sure I could find some way to be useful, at least on the flight there. You may never pry me off the beach after we land, though. 😉
On the more serious side, I’m so glad you chose to use your talent for the Lord.