Lisa Phillips interview with Susan Sleeman
September 07, 2015
A: I got started while I was volunteering at my church bookstore. I was interested in writing, but just didn’t know where to begin. So I took two courses through what was then the Christian Writers Guild. I got to practice the craft, and learn from mentors who had a huge and wonderful impact on how I look at writing. It was invaluable. I write romantic suspense, both full length and love inspired length novels and I am both traditionally and independently published. I have some plans to branch out into other sub-genre novels in the future, but they will still be—at their core—romantic suspense stories. Q: What does your writing space look like? (Attach a picture if possible) A: You mean my dining table? Haha. Not so glamorous. But my husband is turning the back of our garage into an office/guestroom/music room. So my office is “Under Construction.” Q: In this busy world, how do you find time to connect with God and how does this impact your writing? A: First thing in the morning I HAVE to spend time in the Word. It’s vital, just to make me function like a human being and not a big…you know what. Peace, sufficiency, wholeness, and the ability to love. Why do we think these things will come from anywhere else? It’s a source – that’s how connecting with God through His Word and prayer impact my writing. He’s the inspiration, the strength and the ability to change people’s hearts through a story. Q: What part of a writing career do you find most difficult? A: Probably the monotony of edits! I’d rather just write a book and have it be fine the first time. Why can’t that be a thing?! But it’s not *sigh* and so I have to read my work over and over. But that balances with the creativity of brainstorming, or the fun of exploring a first draft, so it works out great.
A: I would love to! Here’s the back cover blurb: HUNTED BY THE ENEMY When she’s attacked by animal traffickers in the zoo she’s been brought on to rehabilitate, Elise Tanner begins to doubt the wisdom of returning home after decades away. Especially because her self-appointed protector is US Marshal Jonah Rivers. Jonah isn’t just the brother of her dead husband. He’s the man who’s consumed her dreams for far too long. Jonah needs to come to terms with Elise’s long-held secrets—including the fact that he’s now uncle to a teenager. But Jonah and Elise have more pressing matters: conquering the dangerous forces around the zoo before they fall victim to them… Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story? A: Easy Prey follows on from Manhunt, where the town was flooded and features the team leader, Jonah, of the Marshals’ fugitive apprehension task force. Elise, the female main character, has been hired back to town to renovate the zoo since it was flooded out, and get it back up and running. When I met Jonah back when I was writing Manhunt I just knew he had some hidden secret that would make a great book. The love story for EASY PREY was unusual (I’m not going to spoil it, but Elise was married to Jonah’s brother) but I just knew they were meant to be—that God had a plan other than what they thought their lives should be. Throw in wild animals and a zoo, and I just KNEW it would be fun to write! Q: Tell us a little about your main character and how you developed him/her. A: I use craft books to peel back the layers of my characters, writing pages and pages of notes. When I realized how their pasts were so completely intertwined, I realized they HAD to be together, forever. Happy. Jonah is a former Marine, now a US Marshal, and he’s been living alone for years. Elise is the woman who got away, then married his brother. She left town years ago, after Jonah’s brother (her husband) was killed. Now she’s back—with a teenage-sized secret. Q: What did you enjoy most about writing this book? Least? A: I fell in love with these characters. It was so fun to spend this time with them. I also really enjoyed researching about zoo’s, wild animals, sanctuaries where they care for exotic animals, and the exotic animal trade. I just knew I had to shed light on this issue, and people’s selfishness at buying and selling animals for selfish gain—even though at times it was hard to consider. Q: What is the main theme or spiritual message of this book? A: Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: Right now I’m writing my sixth Love Inspired Suspense novel (Easy Prey is my fourth). I have Sudden Recall coming in March, which features Parker and Sienna, both of whom we meet in Easy Prey. Number six is the last Marshal team member, Wyatt Ames. Q: If you could have dinner with 2 people, who would they be? A: I actually would just like to have dinner with my husband! It’s so hard to find quiet time with work, full time ministry and little kids. And date nights are the best. Q: Do you have a favorite hobby? A : I love to play guitar. I lead worship at church and I love all our team members. There’s just something about fellowship with God through music that smooths out all my rough edges and lets me just breathe. Q: What is the most rewarding thing you have ever done? A: Aside from motherhood and marriage, I would have to say attending Bible College. Setting time aside to learn about God, to sit at His feet and to shore up the foundation I have in Him was unparalleled. It’s set me up to live life the way I should, and allowed me to see everything in the light of who God is. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: You can friend me on Facebook, (I don’t have an author page, I like to be a ‘real’ person!) and follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@lisaphillipsbks) Also find me at where you can sign up for my newsletter—the only place I give away review copies. Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: Thank you so much for having me on The Suspense Zone! I so hope you enjoy Easy Prey, and any of my other novels you pick up. There are SO MANY good Christian books, I’m proud to have mine among them. Happy Reading! |
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A British ex-pat who grew up an hour outside of London, Lisa attended Calvary Chapel Bible College where she met her husband. He’s from California, but nobody’s perfect. It wasn’t until her Bible College graduation that she figured out she was a writer (someone told her). Since then she’s discovered a penchant for high-stakes stories of mayhem and disaster where you can find made-for-each-other love that always ends in happily ever after.
Lisa can be found in Idaho wearing either flip-flops or cowgirl boots, depending on the season. She leads worship with her husband at their local church. Together they have two children–a sparkly Little Princess and a Mini Daddy–and an all-black Airedale known as The Dark Lord Elevator.

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