Lyn Cote interview with Susan Sleeman
March 08, 2014
A. I’m a wife, mom, almost grandma, animal lover and have written 40 books. Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. In fourth grade. My teacher was surprised to find me more interesting on the page than in person. (I was in my shy stage.) Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. I started writing in the late 1980’s and sold in 1997 to the brand new Love Inspired Line. I met Anne Canadeo, the launching editor at the Dallas 1996 Romance Writers Convention. I was a Golden Heart finalist that year. In 2005 I was a RITA nominee and in 2011, I won ACFW’s Carol Award. Q: Would you tell us about your current book release DANGEROUS SEASON? A: This is a reissue of my first Love Inspired Suspense and is available in print from and in ebook form online.
A: I live in far northern Wisconsin, one of the premier tourist areas in the Midwest. About 3 hours north is the Apostle Islands National Park. Bayfield, WI is a fabulous setting for suspense–thick forests, steep rises and valleys, sparse population, seasonal residents and Lake Superior stretching north. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: My main theme is always there is always hope in Christ. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: When the hero and heroine escape the pressures of everyday life and take a moonlit walk on the shore of Lake Superior. Q: What inspires you to write? A. Everything. Being with other creative people. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: A lot of waiting and pleasing people Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Develop a thick skin. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m in the midst of a historical trilogy for Tyndale House. The three books chronicle one family’s involvement in abolition from the birth of the Underground Railroad through the Civil War. The first book HONOR will be released in September. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. In winter sit by the fire and knit. In summer sit on the porch and watch the boats go by. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. Also on Goodreads, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. “‘Round, round, round I get around.” 🙂 Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. Just thanks for having me OH, WOULD YOUR READERS ENJOY an Amish romantic suspense series set in Iowa? Did you know that Kalona, Iowa is the oldest Amish settlement west of the Mississippi River? I’m thinking of writing one.
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USA Today bestselling author, Lyn Cote has written over 45 books. A Romance Writers of America RITA finalist and an American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award winner, Lyn writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense and historical novels. No matter which kind of story, her brand “Strong Women, Brave Stories” comes through. Her most recent achievement is being added to Romance Writers of America’s Honor Roll for bestselling authors. She lives in a lakeside cottage the northwoods of Wisconsin with her comfy husband and two adorable cats. Visit her website/blog at and find her on Facebook, GoodReads and Twitter..

It`s wrong for an author to change the title of book and reissue it under a new title. Ie…..”Uncertain Spring” by Lyn Cote. VERY DECEITFUL! For a “Christian” author………. how disappointing.