Nancy Mehl interview with Susan Sleeman
July 23, 2012
A: I started writing seriously when I was forty-five. The idea of being an author just didn’t seem like an attainable goal until then. When I first began writing, I wasn’t certain it was what I was called to do. It took a few years for me to decide that I’d finally found my passion. I’ve had a lot of other jobs. Let’s see, I’ve groomed dogs, had a job at a Christian radio station, spent three years in a bank, and worked for three different social service agencies. I’ve been writing full time about ten months. Q: Do you write in only one genre and if so which one and why? If not, which ones and why? A: Right now, I’m writing Mennonite-themed romantic suspense. (Try saying that fast three times! LOL!) I’ve also written mystery and cozy mystery. Even though it might seem that I’ve left my love of mystery behind, I haven’t. My current publisher encourages me to use that “mystery side” of my writing in my Mennonite novels. Q: How does your faith play into your writing? A: I pray over every book before I start and ask God what He wants to say through my story. I believe He uses fiction to touch people. Every book is dedicated to Him first. Frankly, if I couldn’t incorporate my faith into my writing, I wouldn’t want to write at all. Q: How do you choose your settings for your books? A. Well, so far, all my books have been set in Kansas. I didn’t start out planning it that way, but since I live in Kansas, it just made sense. The small towns I create seem to fit perfectly in the “Sunflower State.” Q: Do you base your characters on people you know or are they totally made up? A: I make them up, but there are certainly characteristics borrowed from people I know in most of my characters. For example, in my Curl Up and Dye cozy mysteries, my main character, Hilde Higgins loves SPAM. That idea was sparked through a friend of mine, John Frye, who used to enter the SPAM contest at the state fair every year. Of course, the person who shows up most in my characters is…me!
A: My newest book is “Inescapable.” It’s the first book in my “Road to Kingdom” series. Elizabeth “Lizzie” Engel is a young woman who fled her hometown of Kingdom, Kansas, when she was eighteen years old. An unwed mother, she felt judged and rejected by her father and by the members of Kingdom’s Mennonite church. The church runs the town, and its conservative leaders work hard to keep the leaven of the world from destroying what they’ve fought so hard to establish. Living and working in Kansas City has given Lizzie a freedom she’s never known before. But when a stalker sets his sights on her and her daughter, Charity, Lizzie begins to fear for their safety. Then accusations of theft and the loss of her job leave her without any other choice. She must go back to the one place she never wanted to see again. Kingdom. Although she dreads the reception she will receive, she heads home. Surprisingly, she discovers that the rejection she expected doesn’t exist. Most of the people in Kingdom welcome her back with open arms. Unfortunately, her sense of safety and relief is short-lived. Evil has followed her, and her life is soon turned upside down by conflict, danger and something else she never expected. Love. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for “Inescapable?” A: I wanted my main character to be someone who had lost her way and wasn’t sure God loved her anymore. There are so many people who don’t realize that God has a plan for their lives. Besides pointing that out, I also wanted to address those who feel they’ve made so many mistakes, God can no longer use them. That’s not true! He can give us back our destiny as long as we trust Him enough to believe our unworthiness isn’t stronger than His overpowering love. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: That God has a good plan for your life and that it’s never too late to find the path He has for you. Q: Tell us what you like about the main characters of this book. A: I like Lizzie’s honest heart and her ability to face the truth about herself. I like Noah’s steadfastness, and I especially love Cora Menlo and her bravery. Cora isn’t afraid to think for herself or to stand up for what she believes. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: To be honest, right now I’m working on a vacation! LOL! I need it so badly. We’re going to Branson in August and will be meeting our kids there for a few days. I can hardly wait! As far as writing, there are two more books in the Road to Kingdom series. “Unbreakable” will release in February of next year. The third book, yet untitled, will be out later in 2013. Q: If money were no object what vacation would you like to take and why? A. Easy. I want to take an Alaskan cruise, but I want to go when I can see the Northern Lights. And I want to see whales! Q: What is the silliest thing you have ever done? A. Wow. There really isn’t time or space here for all the silly things I’ve done. I think the time I approached a wild raccoon as if it were a tamed pet would be right up there. Thankfully, I was stopped before it was too late. Once I let an adult tiger lick my cheek. But that wasn’t silly. That was amazingly cool! Q: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? A. Living so far away from my son is very difficult. He’s in Missouri, and I’m in Kansas. I miss him so much. But…we’re planning a move by the end of the year! Danny and his incredible wife are expecting a child! I’m going to be a grandmother! (I’ve already picked the name “Nana.”) Not being able to share this experience with them is really, really hard, but God is working faith and patience in me. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. I spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. I also have a blog: And my Web site is located at: Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: Yes, I think your readers would really enjoy “Inescapable.” It’s different that most Amish/Mennonite novels. It’s full of suspense and mystery. I hope they’ll give it a try! |
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Nancy Mehl is a USA Today best-selling author. She’s been a finalist for the Carol Award three times and won the award once. She was a finalist for two Reviewers’ Choice Awards from RT Book Reviews, and was also nominated for the coveted Christy Award.
Her latest book, DEAD END, book three in her Kaely Quinn Profiler series, was released in March, 2020. The first book in her new series, NIGHT FALL, part of the Quantico Files series, will become available in March of 2021. She just completed working on a cozy mystery series for Guideposts called “Savannah Secrets.”
She lives in Missouri with her husband, Norman, and their Puggle, Watson. Readers can learn more about Nancy through her Web site: She is part of The Suspense Sisters:, along with several other popular suspense authors. She is also a member of Facebook’s BOLO Squad, a private group with some of today’s most well-loved suspense authors. She is active on Facebook

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