I am past fifty but that’s just a number. I’ve always been an “old soul”. After 30 years as an accountant and many vows that I’d never be a teacher like my mom, I am now just that—a teacher. I teach 8th graders. (Enough said!) To feed my book habit, I still prepare income taxes each year so my Springs are quite busy.
I am the proud mother of a 22 year old son in graduate school and a seventeen year old son who will graduate from high school in about 6 weeks. I am proud to say that they both have big hearts for God and are and will be doing great things in His service. I can only aspire to what they feel and do.
I love to travel but always love to return home to the great state of Arkansas and the small town of Sheridan where I live. (I sometimes get great ideas for places to visit from the books I read.)
That just about sums me up—loves books, loves to travel, loves being a mom to my boys, loves God. Just add loves a great walk in nature and a good Sunday nap and call it good.