Rachel Dylan interview with Susan Sleeman
September 21, 2015
A: I’ve had a love for writing since I was a child. I wrote my first novel in 2010, but I didn’t get serious about it until a few years later. Also, I’m still a practicing attorney. Q: Do you write in only one genre and if so which one and why? If not, which ones and why? A: I write inspirational romantic suspense and my first legal suspense with elements of spiritual warfare comes out in November. Q: How does your faith play into your writing? A: I feel like my writing is another form of ministry and a way to express my faith in different ways that I may not always be able to verbalize in my daily life. Q: How do you choose your settings for your books? A: I tend to go with settings I’m familiar with. I was born and raised in Georgia and a lot of my books tend to end up being there or in other places I’ve lived. Q: Do you base your characters on people you know or are they totally made up? A: I think I pull characteristics from people I know and mix them into different characters.
A: Yes! This book is about a forensic sketch artist who is the key witness in the trial of a businessman who is accused of murder. The accused has ties to organized crime. The heroine must turn to the hero who is a U.S. Marshal for protection. Q: Where did you get your inspiration for this story? A: I love writing legal stories because I have been a practicing attorney for almost a decade. But the thing about fiction is that you get to make it a lot more fun and intriguing. I get to mix the reality of being a lawyer with the fun of writing fictional accounts. Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: That no matter what you’ve been through in life, you don’t have to be defined by your past. Q: Tell us what you like about the main characters of this book. A: The heroine Sydney has been through so much including a violent past, but she is a fighter. She gains her strength—both emotionally and physically from her faith. The hero Max is fiercely loyal and has a tremendous amount of respect for Sydney. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A: I’m finishing up my next Love Inspired Suspense out in April, Picture Perfect Murder, which is about a CIA agent turned photographer who becomes the target of a serial killer. I’m also getting ready to release Trial & Tribulations, the start of new legal suspense series with elements of spiritual warfare. Q: If money were no object what vacation would you like to take and why? A: I love warm weather and the Caribbean. But I would love to see places in Europe that I haven’t seen like Italy. Q: What is the silliest thing you have ever done? A: I have been known to sing a bit of karaoke for fun 🙂 Q: What is the hardest thing you have ever done? A: This is a difficult question as there have been some tough spots for me in life. I just made a huge move from Georgia to Michigan that has been a huge adjustment. Especially the Michigan winter! Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A: I love to interact with readers on Twitter and Facebook. Readers can find me: @dylan_rachel, www.facebook.com/RachelDylanAuthor, or www.racheldylan.com Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A: I’m excited to continue writing the stories of my heart! |
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