Finding a dead Amish girl floating in Reuben Fisher’s pond, Deborah Yoder and Esther were shaken up, but even more disturbing was the fact that Reuben would not talk to the police. It was looking more and more like he would end up going to prison for a crime that Deborah was sure he had not committed. It is time for Deborah and her English friend Callie Harper to get to work. For some reason it seems that trouble finds them, and they do seem to have a way to find out things that the police are not able to find out. Now to figure out how to help their friend Reuben.
I enjoyed this book very much, I have read a few of Vanetta’s books, but this was the first mystery I had read by her and it was a great book. The suspense and the tension between the characters was the perfect balance to make it a believable and enjoyable story. Definitely a book I would recommend to others.
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I also read the book and thought it was wonderful. Blessings, Susan Fryman