Of course, that’s not the only reason I like reading his books. I love how we get to see doctors’ and nurses’ hearts for their job. I’ve recently had a few hospital stays, and the last one was over a holiday weekend. I saw six doctors that weekend, and I have to say not all of them had the same compassion and heart for the patient as Dr. Mabry’s main characters do. Dr. Kirk Martin in Cardiac Event is just such a doctor. He is compassionate and relatable. As he is accused of murdering another doctor, and we see his practice falling off because patients don’t want to be seen by a potential murderer, and he cries out to God, we can relate to his plight.
And then there’s the suspense. Mabry is always creative in his medical plots and this book has a very interesting method of murder so it’s no exception. I hated that Dr. Martin is at first blamed for the murder of his associate, and I found myself cheering for his innocence as the book progressed. And, of course, I loved reading along to figure out the real killer’s identity.
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Thanks, Susan. Glad you liked the novel.