Critical Condition is the third book in Sandra Orchard’s Undercover Cops series and a great addition. Having read the first two books prior to this one, I can say that I am loving this series and hope it doesn’t end with this book. One thing I particularly like (besides the fact that the cops are undercover) is that some of the previous characters appear in this book. I love that!
The suspense in Critical Condition was great and I could not decide who I thought the killer/bad guy was because there were too many people it could have been. The story was really interesting and I liked the main characters a lot – it was easy to get attached to both Zach and Tara.
There was some romance in Critical Condition too, so that made the story all the more great to read. While I loved the first two books in this series, I think this one may be my favorite, but only slightly since they have all been great. I don’t think you’d have to read the first two books to enjoy Critical Condition. I recommend this book if you enjoy suspenseful stories with some romance.
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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