Dangerous Passage is the first book I’ve read by Lisa Harris and, while I didn’t enjoy it as much as I had anticipated, I did like the book as a whole and really enjoyed the last third.
I liked the characters and it was nice how Avery and Jackson were already dating, so it didn’t seem like an insta-romance. There were some surprises in Dangerous Passage, and I was particularly surprised by one thing but, to avoid spoilers, I won’t say what it was.
The only real negative I had was that the story seemed a little slow at times. I could easily put the book down and not feel a desire to continue reading.
Still, Dangerous Passage was a good read and I especially enjoyed the last 100 or so pages. I don’t think it’s a book I’ll reread, but I do plan on reading the next book in this series. If you enjoy romantic suspense, you might also like Dangerous Passage.
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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